- 2
Future Release Branches Frozen For Merging | branch:release-4.18 branch:release-4.19
#201 opened by openshift-merge-robot - 6
the project active?
#203 opened by avelino - 10
#213 opened by Allen8975701 - 5
The vulnerability CVE-2021-4294 has been fixed, but no specific tag denotes the patched version.
#214 opened by Silence-worker-02 - 8
- 2
RedirectURI prefix validation
#209 opened by KushNaseeb - 6
Revoke token
#121 opened by alexandrevicenzi - 5
Support for UMA, a.k.a. resource sets?
#182 opened by akavel - 6
refactor example imports
#191 opened by pjgg - 2
TestExtraScopes was broken by #159
#167 opened by vovka667 - 8
Add support for Context
#139 opened by mwitkow - 4
Add IsTrusted to Client
#144 opened by alexandrevicenzi - 2
Depends on ""
#205 opened by naokikimura - 5
Need installation steps
#106 opened by ssenthil416 - 4
in some case should check err == osin.ErrNotFound
#196 opened by respc - 4
refresh token expiration
#193 opened by pjebs - 5
Bot sending repeated messages
#188 opened by henriquechehad - 5
How can I use a custom grant type?
#165 opened by beono - 5
- 6
Accept/Parse JSON data in the body
#163 opened by henriquechehad - 4
- 6
- 4
semver tag and devel branch
#172 opened by RangelReale - 4
Expires time not correct
#178 opened by wmydz1 - 4
- 4
Introduce Semver support
#161 opened by beono - 11
Remove* errors are ignored
#135 opened by bodhi - 5
Grant types support
#150 opened by iNDicat0r - 16
rfc6819: No cleartext storage of credentials
#107 opened by aeneasr - 13
Client secret required for password grant type
#111 opened by darh - 6
Find a way around UserData interface{}
#113 opened by varyoo - 4
Code grant types
#110 opened by stgleb - 3
Should accept request with no client credential in Resource owner password credentials grant
#160 opened by thanhpk - 2
How should I connect with my own user table ?
#177 opened by konojunya - 3
Can we fork this repo like gogs and gitea?
#190 opened by naiba - 0
[Help] How to create a new access credentials
#152 opened by bigfoot90 - 20
Deprecating the project
#186 opened by RangelReale - 2
Errors with 200 OK
#173 opened by henriquechehad - 2
- 2
password grant type
#179 opened by pjebs - 1
- 2
Ability to set default error messages
#157 opened by chrisvaughn - 2
Validating access_token
#138 opened by Fyb3roptik - 1
neo4j DB support
#143 opened by foobargeez - 3
Getting some default Authorization Header..
#114 opened by rakesh-eltropy - 1
Issue in CheckBearerAuth function..
#115 opened by rakesh-eltropy - 2
Going to support OpenID?
#118 opened by GordonJiang - 4
Support for encrypted storage of passwords
#102 opened by leetal - 0
Implementation of the Access and AuthorizeTokenGen functions in goa-middleware
#104 opened by bketelsen - 7
Persistent login with the Implicit grant
#108 opened by janekolszak