Pinned issues
- 6
- 0
Add support for attaching documents to DataSources
#470 opened by mwatts15 - 1
Add movementmetadata classes
#456 opened by mwatts15 - 0
Create a Channelpedia DataSource / DataTranslator
#372 opened by mwatts15 - 0
Create ChannelWorm DataSource / DataTranslator types
#368 opened by mwatts15 - 2
"beginner""Question": pytest failed
#468 opened by gksshcks - 0
Add a DataSource for OpenWorm backers
#467 opened by mwatts15 - 2
Release 1.0
#458 opened by mwatts15 - 0
- 1
- 1
Update property documentation
#351 opened by mwatts15 - 1
Upgrade to latest ZODB
#361 opened by mwatts15 - 1
Add a `pow dist save` command
#376 opened by mwatts15 - 1
- 1
Write (or reuse) a context accessor schema for acquiring RDF graphs from (possibly remote) resources
#386 opened by mwatts15 - 1
Add documentation to about BitTorrentDataSourceDirLoader
#437 opened by mwatts15 - 0
Lazy graph deserialization
#466 opened by mwatts15 - 0
Data packaging with bundles
#464 opened by mwatts15 - 0
Rename PyOpenWorm to ow-meta
#461 opened by mwatts15 - 0
- 0
Test fixtures
#380 opened by clbarnes - 1
Investigate metrics for code quality
#330 opened by gsarma - 3
- 1
Create test dataset for file upload dev/test
#408 opened by mwatts15 - 0
Story: As a CER, I want to attach recommended citations to my research data, to make it possible to credit me/my lab properly.
#407 opened by mwatts15 - 0
Story: As a CER, I want to share my research data, to advance progress in my area.
#403 opened by mwatts15 - 0
U0: Generic user
#404 opened by mwatts15 - 0
DSE: Data scientist; C. elegans enthusiast
#405 opened by mwatts15 - 0
CER: C. elegans researcher
#406 opened by mwatts15 - 4
Allow PyOpenWorm to be used from any directory
#400 opened by pgleeson - 4
Update install instructions & test examples
#399 opened by pgleeson - 5
git command error
#398 opened by moanra - 3
Add a DataTranslator for NeuronConnect.xls data
#345 opened by mwatts15 - 1
Increase code coverage to >70%
#329 opened by gsarma - 2
- 1
- 1
Rewrite insert_worm.do_insert as a DataTranslator
#364 opened by mwatts15 - 0
Test against python 3.7
#381 opened by clbarnes - 2
Remove networkx dependency
#379 opened by clbarnes - 1
"beginner": py.test failed , .pow/worm.db.lock not found . install problem for help
#370 opened by porridgeshoes - 3
beginner issue: Followed the steps in the ““, but got different results and failed to connect to the context website
#371 opened by meghanic - 1
Add subclass relationships to the RDF graph
#347 opened by mwatts15 - 1
Create a command interface
#350 opened by mwatts15 - 1
Implement Contexts
#333 opened by mwatts15 - 1
Fix code coverage reporting pipeline
#331 opened by gsarma - 5
Get a Pubmed API key for E-Utilities
#336 opened by mwatts15 - 1
Create natural language interface for PyOpenWorm
#332 opened by gsarma - 0
- 0
Introduce caching for Document elaboration
#337 opened by mwatts15 - 2
Archive stale branches (10/2017)
#328 opened by gsarma