- 12
ImportError: cannot import name 'CascadeForestClassifier' from 'deepforest'
#129 opened by GianlucaMattei - 3
Can I run xTEA for mice genomes? & how can i do it?
#128 opened by sahuno - 0
- 1
- 3
Dockerfile: RUN rm -rf xTea
#126 opened by minw2828 - 1
- 0
About "all_ins_seqs.fa" not found
#123 opened by 120L021101 - 1
xTea for assembled genomes
#121 opened by BrendaLee1 - 1
- 3
Cannot find the target directory: xTea/xtea/genotyping/trained_model_ssc_py2_random_forest_two_category.pkl.
#120 opened by caroolcardooso-uwa - 3
- 1
- 2 error: no such option: --bamsnap
#100 opened by sidi-yang - 1
Input file for pseudogene insertion calling
#116 opened by selee222 - 3
- 2
output vcf
#77 opened by Sun-Wu-Kong-666 - 3
- 4
- 5
xTea output file understanding
#107 opened by hhysun - 1
- 3
long read support with chm13
#88 opened by maxfieldk - 2
- 2
Alu output didn't go through filter step?
#105 opened by sidi-yang - 2
temp files burst out
#103 opened by sidi-yang - 1
- 1
- 1
Very long length of L1 insertion
#101 opened by sidi-yang - 12
output question
#75 opened by ohan-Bioinfo - 1
WES issues
#94 opened by Nurpe - 6
xTea Long_read SyntaxWarning
#98 opened by vaksmaz - 1
Long read cannot find temp files
#96 opened by Shezara7 - 7
no such option: --bamsnap
#84 opened by hzlnutspread - 1
interpretation of GENE_INFO in output file
#95 opened by dongjuleem - 5
Sporadic inconsistent errors with xtea_long
#93 opened by yuliamostovoy - 12
Merge clip and disc step error
#92 opened by Shezara7 - 0
visual inspection using IGV
#91 opened by dongjuleem - 3
Questions about the output file
#90 opened by zshu-alt - 2
- 1
-f: steps to run. (5907 means run all the steps);
#87 opened by axz91 - 1
default slurm script with wrong email
#86 opened by axz91 - 1
- 1
Pre-generated Alu database
#85 opened by drtconway - 2
Cannot find the target directory
#83 opened by zshu-alt - 1
Issue running locally
#81 opened by RSWilson1 - 2
Handling duplicates
#80 opened by mikecuoco - 2
Mosaic calling - missing parameter?
#78 opened by mukamel-lab - 1
no enough disc support!
#79 opened by ohan-Bioinfo - 1
sklearn version?
#76 opened by mukamel-lab - 0
#73 opened by ohan-Bioinfo - 10
Gene list Error
#74 opened by ohan-Bioinfo