GANs with spectral normalization and projection discriminator
- 1292765944Tsinghua University
- AixileTokyo
- Amir-Arsalan
- anirudhgj
- carpedm20Seoul, Korea
- corochann
- crcrparNVIDIA
- DevSinghSachanMontreal
- eladhoffer
- erfannouryCupertino, CA
- fly51flyPRIS
- HomoKubrickus
- j-minUNC Chapel Hill
- james-oldfieldQueen Mary University of London
- jamesgrieveVancouver, BC
- kevinpk999
- KismuzMoscow
- kostyaevZurich, Switzerland
- kvmanohar22@qualcomm
- layumiUniversity of Macau
- michalwolsNew York
- muupan@pfnet
- phillipi
- PiotrDabkowski@elevenlabs
- plsangTokyo
- rfarouniETH Zurich
- roscopecoltran
- SeitaroShinagawaNara Institute of Science and Technology
- tam17aki
- TMatsThe University of Tokyo @matsuolab @matsuolab-research
- waynemystir
- wkentaro@mujin
- wookayinUniversity of Michigan
- xelabit
- yinhaozSan Diego, CA
- zxybazhApple