
ROSflight software-in-the-loop simulation using Unity

Primary LanguageC++

ROSflight Unity SIL Simulation

Infrastructure for running a ROSflight software-in-the-loop (SIL) simulation with Unity (see rosflight_unity_simulator).

Getting Started

ROS Setup

  1. Clone this repo into your catkin_ws.
  2. Clone rosflight into your catkin_ws and git submodule update --init --recursive.
  3. catkin build or catkin_make

Unity Setup

  1. Install Unity 2018.2.7f1 (on Ubuntu).
  2. Clone rosflight_unity_simulator into your favourite location.

Flying Manually

  1. Clone rosflight_joy into your catkin_ws and build.
  2. After sourcing your catkin_ws, run rosrun rosflight_unity rosflight_unity to start the ROSflight Unity SIL.
  3. Press the 'play' button in the rosflight_unity_simulator Unity project.
  4. Run rosrun rosflight rosflight_io _udp:=true
  5. Plug in your compatible (e.g., Taranis) RC transmitter.
  6. Run rosrun rosflight_joy rc_joy RC:=/rosflight_unity/rc_in
  7. Set the mixer to 2: rosservice call /param_set MIXER 2
  8. Write the autopilot parameters to memory: rosservice call /param_write (params will be written to file, in whatever directory you started the rosflight_unity node)
  9. Calibrate the IMU: rosservice call /calibrate_imu
  10. Throttle stick down and to the right to arm (down and to the left to disarm).
  11. Fly!