Poppy Torso is an open-source and 3D printed torso robot. Optimized for research and education purposes, its modularity allows for a wide range of applications and experimentations.
Jupyter Notebook
- antouanbgNovacom Group. & GridEx Ltd.
- blackpowderEnspiral
- cjluxBordeaux
- davidjshermanInria
- edui
- eemailme
- EtienneSchmitzESME
- germanpa
- jjehlRoboticia
- joelortizsosa
- lineuveCapgemini
- manon-cortialGénération Robots
- oudeyer
- pierre-rouanet@pollen-robotics
- poppy-botBordeaux
- RobotStopRobotStop
- rstephaneInria
- sebnemdogru
- shiba-8roFreelance
- show0kInria
- SteveNguyenPollen Robotics
- sYber1
- Tibo42Inria
- vh3Canada
- ymollardBordeaux INP