
Release 0.2.1 checklist

andrewkern opened this issue · 3 comments

Checklist for doing a new release, copied from the last one (#1319):

  • Update Changelog for new release via PR
  • Create a release using the GitHub UI. This creates the appropriate tag.
  • Locally, git fetch upstream --tags, git checkout upstream/main
  • python3 -m build (note: you need the build and twine modules installed)
  • python3 -m twine upload dist/[stuff] for instance python -m twine upload dist/{stdpopsim-0.2.1a1.tar.gz,stdpopsim-0.2.1a1-py3-none-any.whl} (note: this now uses "API tokens" from PyPI possibly stored in ~/.pypirc to upload; see here for the ever-changing procedure)
  • check on pypi that the update actually worked
  • check docs build succeeded (also check the docs URL substituting the release tag where latest or stable usually is)
  • upload to zenodo
  • update version and DOI in CITATION.cff (once added)
  • conda-forge will do an automatic PR in the stdpopsim-feedstock repo; winni2k says:

"The key things I checked were that the version number is correct, the SHA sum has changed, and that the build number is reset to zero. Any other problems should be caught by the automated build system."


  • make copy of this issue for the next release

Reference: https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/packaging-projects/, tskit-dev/pyslim#292

Here is the list of issues to do: https://github.com/popsim-consortium/stdpopsim/milestone/4

Major topics:

also #1558

Also TODO: I have dealt with #1404 and merged it, but someone else ought to review the code (whoops). Done: thanks, @nspope.