A toolset to work with modular genotype databases in the Poseidon format
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beef-up trident serve to provide meaningful "URI"-like responses for Poseidon_IDs and packages
#323 opened by stschiff - 1
trident init issue
#321 opened by guevara2024 - 2
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Bad handling of file extensions with unpackaged genotype data in trident v1.5.7.0
#314 opened by smpeltola - 2
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trident validate should check LF-line endings
#311 opened by stschiff - 3
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Problem installing trident with conda (MacOS)
#279 opened by jbv2 - 2
Shorten excessively long genotype data parsing warnings just as we do with errors
#244 opened by nevrome - 4
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An API feature to get the complete .Janno table
#273 opened by 93Boy - 11
Arranging individuals in a poseidon package
#300 opened by TCLamnidis - 2
Add support for PACKEDANCESTRYMAP format
#303 opened by TCLamnidis - 5
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trident rectify could have an option to check and fill the `Nr_SNPs` Janno-column
#298 opened by stschiff - 9
trident v1.4.1.0 segmentation fault on mac OS
#296 opened by joshuamschmidt - 8
Option to remove contributors from a package with `trident rectify`, or automatic overwriting of Josiah Carberry when new contributors are added.
#289 opened by TCLamnidis - 2
Use stack for release action
#291 opened by nevrome - 7
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gh action: Haskell/actions/setup is getting deprecated
#292 opened by stschiff - 3
Getting more information out of trident list
#285 opened by TCLamnidis - 4
Breaking changes and maintaining reproducibility
#276 opened by nevrome - 2
Split up SecondaryTypes
#252 opened by stschiff - 5
new feature janna-coalesce or janno-join
#278 opened by stschiff - 1
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Issues in HTTP-communication with server
#277 opened by raveancic - 1
The forge and fetch selection language should be able to specify package versions
#260 opened by nevrome - 2
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janno contamination consistency ignores NA
#270 opened by stschiff - 3
Add a global option `--ignoreChecksums` to trident
#250 opened by nevrome - 3
Make `update` more modular
#249 opened by nevrome - 2
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CI will fail at the end of this month
#246 opened by nevrome - 7
Introducing reproducibility
#218 opened by stschiff - 3
Validate only components of a package with `validate`
#248 opened by nevrome - 6
Notes on how to serve multiple package respositories
#254 opened by stschiff - 0
Add subcommand `snapshot`
#257 opened by nevrome - 2
Entity names should not be allowed to include () bracket openings and closings
#243 opened by stschiff - 7
`forge` should get an option to append an optional .janno column with source-package information
#251 opened by nevrome - 3
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Allow reading genotype data in compressed archives
#237 opened by nevrome - 4
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Make `[JannoRow]` an instance of `Monoid`
#229 opened by nevrome - 0
`validate` should have an option to parse the entire .bed/.geno file, not just the first 100 SNPs
#223 opened by nevrome - 3
Add recommendation to general error message
#227 opened by nevrome - 0
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Encoding issue when writing .janno files
#213 opened by nevrome - 0