
POV RAY demo code issues

Autonomousanz opened this issue · 2 comments

The render_frames.pov generated after running the POV-ray demo file from the project chrono build has many issues to name a few:

On running the demo_POST_povray from build chrono has Segmentation fault (core dumped) issue when running on ubuntu 20.4 with POV-Ray @ x86_64-pc-linux-gnu).
The same demo running in ubuntu20.4 based docker image generated output files of stateXXXXX.pov files however while running the render_frames.pov, it is looking for bluewhite. file instead of bluewhite.png in textures folder

Screenshot from 2022-07-16 17-31-18

After creating a bluewhite. dummy file in textures, that particular error was resolved just to throw a different error related to code
Screenshot from 2022-07-16 17-51-22

I am facing the same issue

I pushed a fix to this issue. It is available in the main branch of the repository. Conda packages including this fix will be uploaded to in a few hours