
Error loading OBJ files for pychrono demos

aschepelmann opened this issue · 1 comments

I am trying to run vehicle and robot demos within pychrono, but am receiving the following error when, for example, trying to load the VIPER robot system in the VIPER demo:

Error loading OBJ file ..........\Library\data/robot/viper/col/viper_chassis.obj
tiny_obj warning message:
tiny_obj error message: Cannot open file [..........\Library\data/robot/viper/col/viper_chassis.obj]
Process finished with exit code -1073741819 (0xC0000005)

(The syntax of the error message is identical for other vehicle and robot demos.)

I am using a new installation of pychrono installed manually using the pychrono-7.0.0-py39_2112.tar.bz2 file. (The suggested installation command conda install -c projectchrono pychrono did not work for me, as conda seems to be unable to find the projectchrono channel.)

I am on a Windows machine and am using PyCharm 2021.2.4 (Professional Edition).

Thank you in advance for your help!

Closing this issue. Was able to fix filepath error by setting the data path using chrono.SetChronoDataPath(<path>).