
ChronoEngine Installation Issue on Ubuntu 23.10 with CMake 3.27.4: CHRONO_MPI_FOUND Variable Not Recognized in ChronoConfig.cmake

punowo opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi. I'm having a specific problem on Ubuntu 23.10, cmake 3.27.4 when trying to install chronoengine through vcpkg. ChronoConfig.cmake, line 128 where CHRONO_MPI_FOUND is used as ${CHRONO_MPI_FOUND} so I have to replace it.

sed -i '128s/.*/if(Chrono_HAS_vehicle AND CHRONO_MPI_FOUND)/' /home/ubuntu/vcpkg/installed/x64-linux/share/chronoengine/ChronoConfig.cmake

Hi @punowo,
on May 29th 2023 (at this commit) we renamed the old ChronoConfig.cmake into chrono-config.cmake.
Since your issue is quite recent, please double check that in your <chrono source>/cmake folder only the newest chrono-config.cmake is there. If you find any ChronoConfig.cmake please delete it!

I incurred in the same kind of problems some months ago!

Hello @dariomangoni Thanks for the response and the suggestion and while this most certainly works, vcpkg still points to the latest tag which is older than the commit you specified. That being said I lack knowledge and experience with vcpkg so maybe something obvious might be eluding me ( something like install --HEAD chronoengine ). What would be the best course of action for someone like me ?

Unfortunately I have no knowledge on vcpkg.
I would recommend you to try build from source if you have the chance. Currently we offer also some bash script to simplify the build in the contrib/build-scripts/ Just make sure to set to OFF those modules/options that you do not strictly need!

Unfortunately I have no knowledge on vcpkg. I would recommend you to try build from source if you have the chance. Currently we offer also some bash script to simplify the build in the contrib/build-scripts/ Just make sure to set to OFF those modules/options that you do not strictly need!

Would you recommend pulling the latest from main or just sticking with the release ?

I would recommend you the main branch: while it could be a little more unstable we recently introduced many changes in the API that were not there in the latest release.

Thank you.