Differential gene expression analysis and pathway analysis of RNAseq data
- 1
- 4
- 0
Reduce pathway heatmaps to relevant samples
#230 opened by WackerO - 1
Use --relevel parameter for PCA plotting
#222 opened by qbicStefanC - 1
- 4
Improve documentation: Troubleshooting
#156 opened by SusiJo - 4
Update to final report.zip
#119 opened by qbicStefanC - 2
- 1
The destination path is too long error on windows
#166 opened by WackerO - 2
star salmon doesn't output round values
#187 opened by LaurenceKuhl - 1
Adding support for clusterProfiler
#135 opened by ggabernet - 1
Switch multiqc for deseq report
#137 opened by WackerO - 1
Save pipeline info to zip
#223 opened by WackerO - 3
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If no enriched pathway is found, it simply states so instead of throwing an error
#210 opened by jonoave - 1
Include background gene list for pathway analysis
#201 opened by ggabernet - 3
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Software versions
#157 opened by WackerO - 1
## Enriched pathways not displayed properly
#194 opened by WackerO - 1
Unreadable heatmap ticks
#186 opened by WackerO - 3
Add sample labels to PCA plot RNAseq_report.htm
#143 opened by jonoave - 1
Legend is cutoff for enriched pathway plots
#184 opened by WackerO - 0
Contrast that is not included in design throws error
#170 opened by WackerO - 4
Do another lookover of code and docu
#158 opened by WackerO - 3
- 1
Do a template update
#161 opened by WackerO - 1
Rename the parameter --skip_pathway_analysis to --run_pathway_analysis and have the default set to 'false'
#168 opened by qbicStefanC - 1
- 0
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Fix volcano and enrichmeht plot layout
#160 opened by WackerO - 2
Improve error message salmon input
#154 opened by SusiJo - 1
Add pval_threshold analogous to logFC
#138 opened by WackerO - 1
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Look again at species library
#142 opened by WackerO - 3
Docu of how to use batch effect is misleading
#155 opened by SusiJo - 1
Rename versions to software_versions
#144 opened by WackerO - 0
- 2
Pathway analysis folder should not be created if pathway analysis was set to FALSE
#120 opened by qbicStefanC - 1
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Make sure nsub works
#140 opened by WackerO - 1
Separate RNAseq results from rnadeseq results
#98 opened by ggabernet - 1
Sample information - order by QBiC barcodes
#116 opened by LaurenceKuhl - 2
Make rlog transformation optional
#99 opened by SusiJo - 0
Pipeline fails when using `--relevel`
#94 opened by SusiJo - 1
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- 1
Replace species parameter with parameter for library
#112 opened by WackerO - 1
Param `--logFCthreshold` is not working properly
#100 opened by SusiJo - 3
Make pathway analysis optional
#102 opened by SusiJo - 1
Pipeline fails when running with `test` configs
#95 opened by SusiJo