- 0xBytefuzzWuhan
- andrebor
- awvwgkMicrosoft Research, AI for Science
- barupalIcahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
- brunowuJülich Supercomputing Centre
- cfarm6Liberty University
- chasemc@evoquant
- chrinide
- dimenwarper@stripe
- dpfliegerInstitute of Plant Molecular Biology
- ensemble-learningCalifornia Institute of Technology
- haneug@grimme-lab
- hcjiAgricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen-CAAS
- hechth@RECETOX
- jbstueckrath@grimme-lab
- JohnathanOnlandUnemployed and not looking
- johon-lituobangUniversity of California, Berkeley
- ko-taba
- marneylcOregon State University
- mwang87
- nsm120
- ofilangiINRAE
- plover0226
- RuikangSunShanghaiTech University
- shekfeh
- Shunyang2018
- ssmehta
- suan12
- tobigithubUnited States
- volvox292
- WBS-TWDepartment of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM), Linköping University
- wilsontomAberystwyth University
- XinChenQCVisa pending, cannot work
- Zelosxiong
- ZMR121121
- zmzhangCentral South University