
Unable to load robot model (dae files) in Rviz

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I'm getting this error (: Could not load resource [/home/lucas/legged_control_ws/src/legged_control/legged_examples/legged_unitree/legged_unitree_description/meshes/go1/calf.dae]: Unable to open file "/home/lucas/legged_control_ws/src/legged_control/legged_examples/legged_unitree/legged_unitree_description/meshes/go1/calf.dae") when trying to load legged_robot_description in Rviz. The files are correctly present in the meshes/go1 folder.


Thanks for your help !

Solved it, had to put file:// in <xacro:property name="mesh_path" value="file://$(find legged_unitree_description)/meshes/$(arg robot_type)"/> in robot.xacro

hey, i got the same problem with u. but i think this line u mentioned here, it has been added to the robot.xacro, but i still got the same problem. Do u have some ideas?thx a lot!
2023-11-04 01-31-13 的屏幕截图

Hey @mitsui29 sorry for my late answer, have you solved your problem ?

Hey @mitsui29 sorry for my late answer, have you solved your problem ?

Thanks for replying! I still have this issue

This is the file you should have.
Then make sure the frame in rviz is odom not base (see issue #47)

Hope it helps.

Also make sure to activate the controller :

rosservice call /controller_manager/switch_controller "start_controllers: ['controllers/legged_controller']                   
stop_controllers: ['']
strictness: 0
start_asap: false
timeout: 0.0"