- 3
Django 5 support
#238 opened by nickmccullum - 2
- 0
twilio-python 8 support
#233 opened by calebsyring - 1
Add support for Python 3.11
#215 opened by incidentist - 2
Django 3.2 support
#226 opened by aareman - 1
Django 4.2 support
#225 opened by nickmccullum - 5
Support for Django 4.1
#213 opened by aaronmader - 1
Add pin code to conference
#201 opened by 9mido - 1
Twilio 7+ Limit in
#210 opened by Fwhiteiv - 1
Publish new release
#212 opened by nickmccullum - 4
#194 opened by TheBlackTezcatlipoca - 1
Support Django ASGI Requests in decompose
#195 opened by incidentist - 2
Django 4.0 support release date?
#205 opened by sknutsonsf - 5
Django 3.2 support
#198 opened by incidentist - 0
- 0
Docs Views page has errors
#200 opened by 9mido - 12
Django-Twilio package giving me a 403 forbidden when using “twilio_view” decorator
#175 opened by nigelfig - 1
twilio_view returns 403 when TLS termination does not occur at the WSGI server
#196 opened by wbrefvem - 13
Subaccounts and Credentials
#146 opened by KrunchMuffin - 4
- 0
docs reference TwilioRestClient
#192 opened by cfc603 - 4
New release 0.13.1
#190 opened by DmytroLitvinov - 2
Django 3.1
#180 opened by ryanhiebert - 0
Remove mention of South in documentation
#177 opened by DmytroLitvinov - 0
Wrong mention of twilio-python library documentation in django-twilio documentation
#178 opened by DmytroLitvinov - 1
cannot import name 'python_2_unicode_compatible' from 'django.utils.encoding'
#185 opened by brianedelman - 4
Support for Programmable Chat
#133 opened by coler-j - 4
Problems with django rest framework
#144 opened by niko86 - 4
'Client' object has no attribute 'phone_numbers'
#154 opened by cyzanfar - 7
- 19
Django 3.0 support
#161 opened by jamesdossis - 4
- 0
django-twilio forgery protection issue when trying to send post requests from website.
#156 opened by nigelfig - 2
Having trouble migrating
#153 opened by matyak - 2
Django 2.2 Release
#151 opened by chris1610 - 1
twilio_view returning Reject verb for SMS
#131 opened by km-pg - 11
- 3
Django 2.1
#139 opened by ryanhiebert - 4
- 1
Confirming Cellphone numbers via sms?
#134 opened by lggwettmann - 12
#102 opened by powerhouseofthecell - 16
Still using?
#97 opened by km-pg - 10
Support twilio 6.x
#96 opened - 2
Saving to Callers
#91 opened by joshlsullivan - 10
Support later versions of Django
#94 opened by km-pg - 2
Resolve Django 2.0 deprecation warnings
#92 opened by catskul - 2
- 2
Documentation request: upgrading to twilio 6.x
#115 opened by suavesav - 1
- 1