
Python code for turning a .png image in a ROS map

Primary LanguagePython


Python code for creating a ROS map out of a hand drawn .png image. It is possible to manually set or measure the pixel resolution in the image directly. Originally inspired by the code in [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySlU5CIXUKE]. Changed, and updated to work with python 3.6.

To run the code, open a terminal in the file directory and execute the following:

python3 makemap.py

Following arguments can be given:

--resolution -Manually set pixel resolution
--measure    -Weather to measure the pixel resolution in image
--originx    -Set x origin
--originy    -Set y origin
--occupied   -Occupied pixel threshold
--free       -Free pixel threshold

Example where pixel resolution is measured manually and setting argument values:

python3 makemap.py --measure --originx -1 --originy -1 --occupied 0.3 --free 0.1

The original (masterfully) hand-drawn map:

Visualization of the map in Rviz:

To visualize the obtained map in Rviz, make sure the map_server is installed from:

Publish the map on the map server (replace "ROSmap" with the name of the obtained map):

rosrun map_server map_server ROSmap.yaml

Visualize in Rviz by adding a map and setting the /map topic