- 2
Usage for creating tfrecord
#39 opened by Sawyer117 - 0
"Failed to load the native TensorFlow runtime." and "No model named deeplab_model and preprocessing"
#43 opened by shumile66 - 0
#42 opened by shumile66 - 0
- 0
Error running
#40 opened by ItsCRC - 2
How to use GPU to train model
#28 opened by minjac - 0
Image preprocessing is INCONSISTENT at train and evaluate stage causes InvalidArgumentError
#38 opened by ytliang97 - 1
I created the TFRecord data and then train the model with coco-stuff dataset,then error occured in
#23 opened by HanChen-HUST - 1
ask for datasets
#36 opened by NowJzy - 2
[Q] Why is there "resize_bilinear" for "image_level_features"? (I think it does nothing..)
#37 opened by ywpkwon - 3
- 8
Running inference in C++
#8 opened by samhodge - 0
- 2
training loss doesn't decrease and bad prediction
#33 opened by hakS07 - 1
- 6
Cannot find multigride architecture
#10 opened by Balabala-Hong - 1
SegmentationClassAug Explanation
#30 opened by JadBatmobile - 2
Confirm proper usage
#31 opened by JadBatmobile - 0
Question about training with pre-trained model
#32 opened by eleflea - 3
Training own data
#3 opened by Finalrykku - 0
InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): Restoring from checkpoint failed. This is most likely due to a mismatch between the current graph and the graph from the checkpoint.
#29 opened by shimaaelbana - 1
Modification of weights for unbalanced dataset
#27 opened by Eavis - 0
pretrained Model
#26 opened by adligit - 1
Inference Error
#25 opened by soullessrobot - 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
How can i change the input shape?
#21 opened by ywangeq - 11
Troubles after training on my own data set
#7 opened by Lokyr - 1
The mask size differs from the input image size
#19 opened by Jayanth-L - 0
- 2
Edges in dataset
#17 opened by AlexDenis - 2
why the augmented segmentation data is different from the original PASCAL VOC dataset?
#13 opened by NatalieZou - 0
Graphics Card Usage zero
#15 opened by arunabh1904 - 2
setup problem
#9 opened by 123liluky - 0
Train with Custom Dataset
#14 opened by oayhan1 - 1
- 1
How to train my own datasets based on your code
#12 opened by AlisonZW - 5
Network initialization
#5 opened by qilinli - 1
Inference error
#6 opened by didibaba - 3
test accuracy?
#4 opened by iliadsouti - 11
What the reason for the low mIoU?
#1 opened by John1231983 - 2
Multiple GPUs for training
#2 opened by DarylWM