List of useful, silly and awesome lists curated on GitHub. Contributions welcome!
โจ Now also available in CSV! โจ
- aksh โ Bibliography of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) resources and grey literature.
- amas โ Awesome & Marvelous Amas (Ask Me Anything) on GitHub
- Annual-Reading-List โ Things to read every year.
- awesomebandnames โ The open-source list of awesome band names.
- awesome-belarus-online โ Useful belarusian online resources.
- awesome-biology โ Learning resources, research papers, tools and other resources related to Biology.
- awesome-fantasy โ Fantasy literature worth reading.
- awesome-gif โ GIF /dส/ links and resources.
- awesome-glasgow โ Some highlights around Glasgow, Scotland.
- awesome-hacking-spots โ Hacking places, organised by Country and City, listing if it features power and wifi.
- awesome-health โ Useful health resources.
- awesome-images โ Free (stock) photo resources for your projects.
- awesome-kimchi โ Kimchi of the people, by the people, for the people.
- awesome-motion-planning โ Papers, books and tools for motion planning.
- awesome-scifi โ Sci-Fi worth consuming.
- awesome-stock-resources โ Stock photography, video and illustration websites.
- awesome-webcomics
- baby-sleep โ Baby sleep guides curated from the best of the Internet.
- cocktails โ Cocktail Recipes
- corporate-logos โ Curated repo of publicly listed co. logos, identified by ticker. Almost 1500 logos
- creative-commons-media โ Audio, graphics and other resources that provide media licensed under Creative Commons licenses.
- dissertation-tips โ Resources to help PhD students complete their dissertation successfully.
- diversity-index โ Grants, scholarships and FA that encourages diversity in STEM fields aimed at half the world's population, Women!
- endangered-languages โ Conservation, development, and documentation of endangered, minority, and low or under-resourced human languages.
- food-recipes โ Honest-to-goodness "real food" recipes
- frequent-transit-maps - Transit maps highlighting frequent all-day service
- isaacs/reading-list โ isaac's reading list.
- lawrence-veggie โ Vegetarian/vegan restaurants in Lawrence, KS.
- lawyersongithub โ A club full of lawyers who also have GitHub accounts.
- mining-resources โ Natural resources mining.
- no-free-basics โ Those who have spoken up against Facebook's โFree Basicsโ
- PublicMedia โ Everything about public (broadcast) media.
- Also an introduction to working with GitHub for non-programmers.
- recipes by @bzimmerman โ This repository contains tasty open-source recipes.
- recipes by @csswizardy โ Collection of things I like cooking
- recipes by @csclug โ Delicious open source
- recipes by @LarryMad
- recipes by @schacon
- recipes In Chinese and English by @silizuo
- shelfies โ Bookshelves of awesome people, community-transcribed.
- SiliconValleyThingsToDo โ Things to do and activities within Silicon Valley.
- soylent โ Soylent recipes
- sf-vegetarian-restaurants โ Awesome vegetarian-friendly restaurants in SF
- teesites โ Great sites to buy awesome t-shirts and other cool stuff.
- tacofancy โ community-driven taco repo. stars stars stars.
- 101 โ Resources on running a software biz.
- 10PL โ 10 papers that all PhD students in programming languages ought to know, for some value of 10.
- admesh-projects โ Projects using ADMesh (a triangulated solid meshes processor).
- AI-reading-list โ Papers about Artificial Intelligence.
- algovis โ Algorithm Visualization.
- alternative-internet โ A collection of interesting new networks and tech aiming at decentralisation (in some form).
- android-awesome-libraries โ Useful Android development libraries with usage examples.
- AndroidDevTools In Chinese โ SDK, development tools, libraries, and resources.
- android-dev-readme โ Links for every Android developer.
- android-jobs In Chinese โ Android positions in China.
- Android-Learning-Resources In Chinese โ Learning resources for Android.
- android-open-project In Chinese โ Collect and classify android open source projects.
- android-security-awesome โ โA lot of work is happening in academia and industry on tools to perform dynamic analysis, static analysis and reverse engineering of android apps.โ
- android-tech-frontier In Chinese โ Translation of articles about Android development.
- angular-education โ Useful resources to learn and improve your AngularJS skills.
- angular2-education โ Helpful material to get started with the second version of AngularJS.
- angularjs-fellows โ Free resources for learning AngularJS.
- AngularJS-Learning
- AngularJS2-Learning
- ansible-gentoo-roles โ Ansible roles for Gentoo Linux.
- app-launch-guide โ Indie dev's definitive guide to building and launching your app, including pre-launch, marketing, building, QA, buzz building, and launch.
- APTnotes โ Various public documents, whitepapers and articles about APT [Advanced persistent threat] campaigns.
- asynchronous-php โ Asynchronous programming in PHP.
- Automated-SPA-Testing โ Automated unit & functional testing for web applications [JavaScript et al.].
- awesomelinks โ Web Development Links by @richardbenjamin.
- Backpack โ Various learning resources, organized by technology/topic.
- badass-dev-resources โ #bada55 front-end developer resources.
- bangalore-startups โ Startups in Bangalore.
- beautiful-docs โ Pointers to useful, well-written, and otherwise beautiful documentation.
- BEM-resources
- Best-App In Chinese โ Recommendations for best desktop and mobile apps.
- best-of-awesomeness-and-usefulness-for-webdev โ Digest of the most useful tools and resources for the last year.
- Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit โ Some useful websites for programmers.
- bigdata-ecosystem โ Big-data related projects packed into a JSON dataset.
- big-list-of-naughty-strings - Strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data.
- bioinformatics-compbio-tools โ Bioinformatics and computational biology tools.
- bitcoin-reading-list โ Learn to program Bitcoin transactions.
- bookmarklets โ Bookmarklets that are useful on the web
- bookshelf โ Reading lists for learners.
- breakfast-repo โ Videos, recordings, and podcasts to accompany our morning coffee.
- browser-javascript-resource โ Latest JavaScript information by browser.
- channels In Russian โ YouTube channels for web developers.
- classics โ Classical studies (Latin and Ancient Greek) resources: software, code and raw data.
- cloud-conferences - A collection of scientific and industry conferences focused on cloud computing.
- codeface โ Typefaces for source code / text editors.
- compilers-targeting-c โ Compilers that can generate C code.
- computer-science-and-engineering โ Path to a free self-taught graduation in Computer Science.
- content-management-systems โ Open source & proprietary content management systems.
- Continuous-Integration-services โ Comparison of cloud based CI services.
- critical-path-css-tools โ Tools to help prioritize above-the-fold CSS.
- crypto-might-not-suck โ Crypto Projects that Might not Suck.
- cscs โ Coding Style Conventions and Standards.
- css-in-js โ CSS in JS techniques comparison for React et al.
- css-resources
- curated-list-espresso-sugar-plugins โ Sugar plugins for Espresso, the code editor by MacRabbit.
- Curated-List-of-Awesomeness โ Web resources.
- curated-programming-resources โ Resources for learning programming and computer science.
- cycle-ecosystem โ What are the most popular and trending libraries for Cycle.js?
- dad-jokes โ Dad style programming jokes.
- datajournalists-toolbox โ Tools for datajournalists, with examples and gists.
- data-science-blogs
- data-science-must-watch
- datasciencemasters โ The Curriculum for learning Data Science, Open Source and at your fingertips.
- DataSciencePython - Python tutorials for Data Science, NLP and Machine Learning
- debugging-stories โ Collection of links to various debugging stories.
- Developer-Conferences โ Upcoming developer conferences.
- โ To discover tools in the devops landscape.
- devops_resources
- DevopsWiki โ Devops Tools, Tutorials and Scripts.
- dev-resource โ Resources for devs online and offline.
- In Russian โ Digest of knowledge about crypto networks (including cryptocurrencies).
- discount-for-student-dev โ Discounts on software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) and other offerings for developers who happen to be students.
- django-must-watch โ Must-watch videos bout Django web framework + Python.
- DL4NLP โ Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing resources.
- easy-application โ Software engineering companies that are easy to apply to.
- ember-links/list โ Ember.js Links
- โ Tracking, Benchmarking and Sharing Information about an open source embedded data storage engines, internals, architectures, data storage and transaction processing.
- erlang-bookmarks โ All about erlang programming language.
- erlang-watchlist โ Where to find good code to master Erlang idioms
- ES6-Learning โ Resources to learn ECMAScript 6!
- es6-tools โ An aggregation of tooling for ES6
- essential-javascript-links
- Facets โ One-liners in Ruby
- fks In Chinese โ Frontend Knowledge Structure.
- flat-file-cms โ Stictly flat-file cms systems.
- free-for-dev โ Software, SaaS, PaaS etc offerings that have free tiers for devs.
- free-programming-books
- free-programming-books-zh_CN In Chinese
- free-software-testing-books โ Free software testing books.
- Fresh-Node.js-Library-Collection โ Over 500 links to Node.js libraries, only recently updated repos are included .
- frontdesk โ Useful things for Front End Developers
- Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions โ Helpful front-end related questions you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore.
- Available in various translations
- Front-end-Web-Development-Interview-Question In Chinese
- front-end-stuff
- frontend-dev-bookmarks โ Frontend development resources I collected over time.
- frontend-dev-resources โ Frontend resources [conferences].
- frontend-resources by @JonathanZWhite
- frontend-resources by @zedix
- frontend-stuff โ Framework/libraries/tools to use when building things on the web. Mostly Javascript stuff.
- frontend-tools โ Tools for frontend (i.e. html, js, css) desktop/laptop (i.e. does not include tablet or phone yet) web development
- games โ Popular/awesome videos games, add-on, maps, etc. hosted on GitHub.
- generative-txt โ Entities related to generative / parametric / computer aided design / art / architecture.
- github-cheat-sheet โ Cool features of Git and GitHub.
- github-drama
- github-hall-of-fame โ Hall of Fame for spectacular things on Github.
- go-is-not-good โ Articles that complain about Golang's imperfection.
- go-must-watch โ Must-watch videos about Golang.
- GoBooks โ Golang books.
- graphics-resources โ Game development and realtime graphics programming.
- guides โ Web Development Guides, Tutorials and Snippets.
- hackathon_resources by @myearwood โ Learning Resources for Hackathon Organizers.
- Hackathon-Resources by @xasos โ Hackathon Resources for organizers.
- haskell-must-watch
- HeadlessBrowsers
- hipchat-alternatives
- idaplugins-list โ Plugins for IDA disassembler.
- ideas โ One Hundred Ideas for Computing
- Inspire โ A collection of links to assist you in web design and development.
- InterviewThis โ Developer questions to ask prospective employers
- ios-awesome-libraries โ Useful iOS development libraries with usage examples.
- iOSDevResource
- iOS-Developer-and-Designer-Interview-Questions
- javascript-patterns โ JavaScript Patterns
- javascript-resources
- javascript-sdk-design
- jsemu โ Emulators written in JavaScript.
- jslibs โ My picks of promising/useful Javascript libraries.
- See also JSwiki
- js-must-watch โ Must-watch videos about javascript.
- jsonauts โ The ultimate reference for JSON tooling and specs.
- jstools โ Foundational JavaScript Tools
- js-type-master โ JavaScript resources about web typography.
- Julia.jl โ Curated decibans of Julia language.
- killer-talks โ Talks that are worth watching.
- language-list โ Programming languages being developed on GitHub.
- Laravel-Resources โ Laravel Framework Resources and Blogs.
- learn-drupal โ Stuff to help you learn Drupal.
- learnhaskell โ A curated guide for learning Haskell.
- jshomes/learning-resources โ Web Platform/SaaS Learning Resources.
- learn-python โ Links that teach Python.
- learn-to-program โ Foundation in Web Development.
- learn-tt โ Resources for learning type theory.
- learnxinyminutes-docs โ Code documentation written as code!
- libertr โ Resources for liberty seekers.
- lifeofjs โ Curated source for all types of awesome resources available for JavaScript.
- Linux_websites In Chinese โ Websites related to Linux kernel development.
- ListOfMinimalistFrameworks โ Minimalist frameworks (simple and lightweight).
- Machine-Learning-Tutorials - Machine Learning and Deep Learning Tutorials
- magictools โ Game Development resources to make magic happen.
- manong In Chinese โ Weekly digest of technology
- markdown-resources โ Markdown resources: apps, dialects, parsers, people, โฆ
- MOOC โ Online programming/CS courses.
- movies-for-hackers
- my_tech_resources by @JamesLavin
- must-watch-css โ Must-watch videos about CSS.
- must-watch-javascript โ Must-watch videos about JavaScript.
- nashville-lispers/resources โ Lisp Resources: exercises, great books, videos, etc.
- neural-network-papers
- nginx-resources โ Nginx web server (+ Lua), OpenResty and Tengine.
- node-daily In Chinese โ Daily article about Node.js.
- node-frameworks โ Comparison of server-side Node frameworks.
- nodejs-conference-cfps โ NodeJS and Javascript Conference Call for Presentations.
- NodeJS-Learning โ Resources to help you learn Node.js and keep up to date.
- NotesIndex
- npm-algos โ Node.js Modules Implementing Computer Science Concepts.
- offline-first โ Everything you need to know to create offline-first web apps.
- open-source-android-apps โ Collection of Android Apps which are open source.
- open-source-ios-apps โ Open-source iOS apps.
- ops-books โ Book recommendations related to Continuous Delivery, DevOps, Operations and Systems Thinking.
- papers โ A collection of papers found across the web.
- papers-we-love โ Papers from the computer science community to read and discuss. (Contains actual papers)
- ParseAlternatives โ Alternative backend service providers ala Parse.
- pattern_classification โ A collection of tutorials and examples for solving and understanding machine learning and pattern classification tasks.
- phpvietnam/bookmarks โ PHP resources for Vietnamese.
- php-must-watch โ Must-watch videos about PHP.
- PlacesToPostYourStartup โ โWhere can I post my startup to get beta users?โ
- post-mortems
- programmers-proverbs โ Proverbs from the programmer
- programming-talks โ Awesome & Interesting Talks concerning Programming
- Projects โ Practical projects that anyone can solve in any programming language.
- public-apis โ JSON APIs for use in web development.
- pycrumbs โ Bits and Bytes of Python from the Internet.
- py-must-watch by @s16h โ Must-watch videos about Python.
- python-github-projects โ Collect and classify python projects on Github.
- pythonidae โ Curated decibans of Python scientific programming resources.
- python-must-watch by @primalpop โ Must-watch videos about Python.
- python_reference โ Useful functions, tutorials, and other Python-related things.
- Qix In Chinese โ Node, Golang, Machine Learning, PostgreSQL.
- โ Job queues, message queues and other queues.
- rails-must-watch โ Must-watch videos about Ruby on Rails.
- remote-in-japan โ Tech companies in Japan that hire remote workers.
- remote-jobs โ Semi to fully remote-friendly companies in tech.
- remote-jobs-brazil โ Remote-friendly Brazilian companies.
- resource-list โ Design & Development Resources.
- resources โ JavaScript resources for and by Hack Reactor 14 & 15.
- resources โ Free, online resources for various technologies, languages, and tools.
- Resources โ Tools for front end devs.
- Resources-for-Writing-Shaders-in-Unity
- Rich-Hickey-fanclub โ Rich Hickey's works on the internet.
- rss-readers-list โ Reader replacements megalist
- rstudio-addins โ [RStudio](RStudio addins) user addins.
- ruby-bookmarks โ Ruby and Ruby on Rails bookmarks collection.
- โ The Ruby Bibliography
- ruby-dev-bookmarks โ Ruby development resources I've collected.
- ruby-nlp โ Ruby Natural Language Processing (NLP) libraries, tools and software.
- ruby-trivia โ Questions about Ruby programming you can use to quiz yourself.
- rust-lang-resources โ Links related to the Rust programming language.
- rx-react-flux โ RxJS + React/Flux implementations.
- rxjs-ecosystem โ What are the most popular libraries in the RxJS ecosystem?
- scalable-css-reading-list โ Collected dispatches from The Quest for Scalable CSS.
- secure-email โ Overview of projects working on next-generation secure email.
- search-engine-optimization โ Checklist / collection of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tips and technics.
- services-engineering โ A reading list for services engineering, with a focus on cloud infrastructure services.
- shellshocker-pocs โ Proof of concepts and potential targets for Shellshock.
- spawnedshelter โ Erlang Spawned Shelter โ the best articles, videos and presentations related to Erlang.
- speech-language-processing
- StartupKnowledgeBase โ Insightful articles related to startups.
- startup-must-watch โ Must-watch videos devoted to Entrepreneurship and Startups.
- startupreadings โ Reading list for all things startup-related.
- startup-resources
- Static-Site-Generators
- staticsitegenerators-list
- streaming-papers โ Papers on streaming algorithms.
- sublime โ Some of the best Sublime Text packages, themes, and goodies.
- sublime-bookmarks โ Sublime Text essential plugins and resources.
- SwiftInFlux โ An attempt to gather all that is in flux in Swift.
- swift-packages โ A manually Curated List of Swift packages for the Swift Package Manager.
- tech-weekly โ Weekly technical newsletters.
- til โ Today I Learned.
- Toolbox โ Open source iOS stuff.
- tool_lists โ Links to tools by theme. Verification, synthesis, and static analysis.
- tools โ Tools for web.
- ToolsOfTheTrade โ Tools of The Trade, from Hacker News.
- top-starred-devs-and-repos-to-follow โ Top-Starred Python GitHub Devs, Orgs, and Repos to Follow (All-Time and Trending).
- trending-repositories โ Repositories that were trending for a day.
- trip-to-iOS In Chinese โ Delightful iOS resources.
- twofactorauth โ Sites with two factor auth support which includes SMS, email, phone calls, hardware, and software.
- type-findings โ Posts about web typography.
- ultimate-iot-platform-comparison โ A list and comparison of all available IoT platforms.
- universities-on-github โ Universities which have a public organization on GitHub.
- upcoming-conferences โ Upcoming web developer conferences.
- web-audio-resources - A list of curated resources related to the Web audio API.
- WebComponents-Polymer-Resources
- webcomponents-the-right-way โ Introduction to Web Components.
- webdev-jokes โ Web development jokes.
- webdevresourcecuration
- web-dev-resources โ A table of contents for web developer resources across the internet.
- web-development-resources
- weekly In Chinese โ Weekly summary of articles and resources.
- Worth-Reading-the-Android-technical-articles In Chinese
- awesome-2048-and-beyond โ Waste and lose at least 8 hours of your lifeโฆ then multiply itโฆ
- awesome-a11y โ Accesibility tools, articles and resources.
- awesome-acf โ Add-ons for the Advanced Custom Field plugin for WordPress.
- awesome-activeadmin โ Active Admin resources, extensions, posts and utilities. For Rails.
- awesome-algorithms โ Places to learn and/or practice algorithms.
- awesome-analytics โ Analytics services, frameworks, software and other tools.
- awesome-android by @Jackgris In Spanish.
- awesome-android by @JStumpp
- awesome-android by @snowdream Partially in Chinese
- awesome-android-awesomeness
- awesome-android-libraries โ General Android libraries.
- awesome-android-performance โ Performance optimization on Android.
- awesome-android-tips In Chinese
- awesome-androidstudio-plugins In Chinese
- awesome-android-ui โ UI/UX libraries for Android.
- awesome-angular by @hugoleodev
- awesome-angularjs by @gianarb
- awesome-animation โ Open-source UI animations by Animatious Group.
- awesome-answers โ Inspiring and thoughtful answers given at stackoverflow, quora, etc.
- awesome-app-ideas โ Ideas for apps to demonstrate how framework or library approach specific problems.
- awesome-apple โ 3rd party libraries and tools for Apple platforms development.
- awesome-appsec โ Resources for developers to learn application security.
- awesome-arabic โ Arabic supporting tools, fonts, and development resources.
- awesome-asciidoc โ Collection of AsciiDoc tools, guides, tutorials and examples of usage.
- awesome-asciidoctor โ Collection of asciidoctorโs intros, examples and usages.
- awesome-asm โ Assembly language
- awesome-AutoHotkey โ AutoHotkey libraries, library distributions, scripts, tools and resources.
- awesome-AutoIt - UDFs, example scripts, tools and useful resources for AutoIt.
- awesome-ava โ AVA JavaScript test runner.
- awesome-avr
- awesome-aws โ Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- awesome-backbone โ Resources for Backbone.js
- awesome-bash
- awesome-bci โ Brain-Computer Interface.
- awesome-beancount โ Beancount, a double-entry bookkeeping with text files.
- awesome-bem โ Tools, sites, articles about BEM (frontend development method).
- awesome-bigdata โ Big data frameworks, resources and other awesomeness.
- Awesome-Bioinformatics โ Open-source bioinformatics software and libraries.
- awesome-bpm - Business Process Management (BPM) awesomeness.
- awesome-bitcoin โ Bitcoin services and tools for software developers.
- awesome-bootstrap โ Free Bootstrap themes I think are cool.
- awesome-c โ C frameworks, libraries, resources etc.
- awesome-cakephp โ Plugins and resources for CakePHP 2 and 3.
- awesome-cassandra
- awesome_challenge_list โ Sites with challenges to improve your programming skills.
- awesome-charting โ Charts and dataviz.
- awesome-chef โ Cookbooks, handlers, add-ons and other resources for Chef, a configuration management tool.
- awesome-chrome-devtools โ Chrome DevTools ecosystem tooling and resources.
- awesome-ci โ Continuous integation services.
- awesome-ciandcd โ Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery
- awesome-cl โ Common Lisp
- awesome-clojure
- awesome-cloud โ Delightful cloud services.
- awesome-cloud-storage โ Comparison of online storage platforms.
- awesome-code-formatters
- awesome-coldfusion
- awesome-conservation-tech โ Intersection of tech and environmental conservation.
- awesome-community โ development, support and discussion channels, groups and communities.
- awesome-comparisons โ Framework and code comparison projects, like TodoMVC and Notejam.
- awesome-computer-history โ Computer history videos, documentaries and related folklore.
- awesome-computer-vision
- awesome-conference-playlists โ Video playlists for conferences.
- awesome-conferences
- awesome-container โ Container technologies and services.
- awesome-cordova Apache Cordova / PhoneGap
- awesome-couchdb - CouchDB resource list.
- awesome-courses โ University Computer Science courses across the web.
- awesome-cpp โ C/C++ frameworks, libraries, resources.
- awesome-crystal โ Crystal Language
- awesome-cryptocurrencies
- awesome-cryptography - Cryptography and encryption resources.
- Awesome-Cross-Platform-Apps โ Solutions for building cross-platform apps.
- awesome-css by @deepakbhattarai
- awesome-css by @ikkou
- awesome-cyclejs โ Cycle.js framework
- awesome-d โ D programming language.
- awesome-d3 โ D3js libraries, plugins and utilities.
- awesome-dart
- awesome-dashboard โ Dashboards/visualization resources.
- awesome-data-engineering โ Data engineering tools for software developers.
- awesome-datascience โ An open source DataScience repository to learn and apply for real world problems.
- awesome-datasets โ Datasets for papers/experiments/validation.
- awesome-dataviz โ Data visualizations frameworks, libraries and software.
- awesome-db โ Database libraries and resources.
- awesome-ddd โ Domain Driven Design resources.
- awesome-deep-vision โ Computer vision / deep learning.
- awesome-deep-learning-resources โ Rough list of resources about deep learning.
- awesome-deku - Resources for the Deku library.
- awesome-delphi
- awesome-deployment
- awesome-derby โ Components for DerbyJS.
- awesome-design โ Resources for digital designers.
- awesome-dev-fun - Funny developer projects.
- awesome-devenv โ Tools, resources and workflow tips making an awesome development environment.
- awesome-devtools โ In-browser bookmarklets, tools, and resources for front-end devs.
- awesome-django โ Django apps and projects.
- awesome-django-cms โ django CMS add-ons.
- awesome-docker by @anildigital
- awesome-docker by @veggiemonk
- awesome-doctrine โ Doctrine ORM libraries and resources.
- awesome-dojo โ Dojo JavaScript Toolkit resources and libraries.
- awesome-dotfiles
- awesome-dotnet โ .NET libraries, tools, frameworks and software.
- awesome-drupal by @mrsinguyen
- awesome-drupal by @emincansumer
- awesome-educate โ Education resources online.
- awesome-edtech-tools โ Tools and resources for educators and virtual teachers.
- awesome-elm โ Learning resources and programs for Elm, a functional reactive language.
- awesome-emacs from @emacs-tw
- awesome-emacs by @sefakilic
- awesome-emacs by @tacticiankerala
- awesome-ember โ Ember.js things.
- awesome-electron โ Resources for creating apps with Electron (formerly atom-shell).
- awesome-elixir
- awesome-endless-codeforall-list โ Every tool that civic hackers worldwide use to work.
- awesome-erlang
- not-awesome-es6-classes โ Why ES6 (ES2015) classes are NOT awesome.
- awesome-ethereum โ Ethereum decentralized software platform & Dapps.
- awesome-events โ Ruby events (meetups, conferences, camps, etc.) from around the world.
- awesome-fantasy โ FinalFantasy-ish metaphors in software.
- awesome-flask โ Flask Python web framework resources and plugins.
- awesome-flexbox โ CSS Flexible Box Layout Module.
- awesome-fortran
- awesome-fp-js โ Functional programming stuff in JavaScript.
- awesome-functional-programming โ General resources about functional programming.
- awesome-git
- awesome-github by @fffaraz โ Git and GitHub references.
- awesome-github by @Kikobeats โ GitHub secrets and goodies.
- awesome-github-repo โ GitHub repositories; various topics like study materials, Raspberry Pi etc.
- awesome-go by @avelino
- awesome-go-books โ Online and free golang books.
- awesome-grails
- awesome-graphql โ GraphQL & Relay Resources.
- awesome-groovy
- awesome-gulp โ Gulp build system resources and plugins.
- awesome-gyazo โ Tools for Gyazo screen capture application.
- awesome-hadoop โ Hadoop and Hadoop ecosystem resources.
- awesome-haskell
- awesome-hierarchical-matrices โ Hierarchical matrices frameworks, libraries, and software.
- awesome-honeypots โ Honeypot resources
- awesome-html5
- awesome-incident-response - Resources useful for incident responders.
- awesome-influxdb โ Resources for the time series database InfluxDB
- awesome-interviews โ Interview questions.
- awesome-ios
- awesome-ios-cn In Chinese โ iOS ่ตๆบๅคงๅ จไธญๆ็๏ผๅ ๅฎนๅ ๆฌ๏ผๆกๆถใ็ปไปถใๆต่ฏใApple StoreใSDKใXCodeใ็ฝ็ซใไนฆ็ฑ็ญ
- awesome-ios-ui โ UI/UX libraries for iOS.
- awesome-IoT โ Internet of Things platforms, libraries and apps.
- awesome-IoT-hybrid โ Hybrid Applications (web + native)
- awesome-java
- awesome-javascript
- awesome-javascript-books โ Online and free JavaScript books.
- awesome-jquery
- awesome-julia
- awesome-js-drama โ JavaScript topics the just might spark the next revolt!
- awesome-jvm
- awesome-knockout โ Plugins for Knockout MVVM framework.
- awesome-koans โ Programming kลans in various languages.
- awesome-kr-foss โ Korean open source projects.
- awesome-languages โ Open-source programming languages.
- awesome-laravel by @chiraggude
- awesome-laravel by @TimothyDJones
- Awesome-Laravel-Education In English and Chinese โ Laravel PHP framework learning resources.
- awesome-linguistics โ Tools, theory and platforms for linguistics.
- awesome-linux โ Linux software.
- awesome-lint โ Resources for a more literate programming.
- awesome-linuxaudio โ Professional audio/video/live events production on Linux.
- awesome-livecoding โ All things Livecoding.
- awesome-logging
- awesome-lua by @forhappy
- awesome-lua by @LewisJEllis
- awesome-luvit โ Luvit frameworks, libraries and software.
- awesome-machine-learning
- awesome-malware-analysis
- Awesome-MaterialDesign In Chinese โ Resources and libraries for Material Design.
- awesome-meteor
- awesome-mesos by @dharmeshkakadia
- awesome-mesos by @parolkar
- awesome-mobile-dev โ A โstudy guideโ for mobile development.
- Awesome-Networking
- awesome-newsletters
- awesome-nlp โ Natural Language Processing.
- awesome-nodejs by @sindresorhus
- awesome-nodejs by @vndmtrx
- awesome-npm
- awesome-ntnu โ Projects by NTNU students.
- awesome-objc-frameworks
- awesome-ocaml
- awesome-open-science
- awesome-opensource-documents โ Open source licensed documents, guides, books.
- awesome-osx โ OS X applications, tools and communities.
- awesome-osx-command-line โ Shell commands and tools specific to OS X.
- awesome-pcaptools โ Tools to process network traces.
- awesome-pentest โ Penetration testing resources and tools.
- Awesome-People-in-Computer-Vision
- awesome-perfocards See perfokaart.
- awesome-perl
- awesome-persian โ Persian/Farsi supporting tools, fonts, and development resources.
- awesome-phalcon โ Phalcon PHP framework libraries and resources.
- awesome-php
- awesome-pipeline โ Pipeline toolkits.
- awesome-play1 โ Play Framework 1.x modules, tools, and resources.
- awesome-postgres
- awesome-ProductManager โ Books and tools for Product Managers.
- awesome-projects-boilerplates Boilerplates and sample projects for many languages to get started.
- awesome-promises โ JavaScript Promises.
- awesome-puppet
- awesome-pyramid โ Resources for Pyramid Python web framework.
- awesome-python by @kevmo
- awesome-python by @vinta
- awesome-python-talks โ Videos related to Python, with a focus on training and gaining hands-on experience.
- awesome-public-datasets โ (Large-scale) public datasets on the Internet.
- awesome-pure-css-no-javascript In Chinese
- awesome-purescript
- awesome-qt โ Libraries and resources for the Qt framework.
- awesome-R
- awesome-radio โ Radio and citizens band (CB) radio resources.
- awesome-rails by @dpaluy
- awesome-rails by @ekremkaraca โ Projects and sites made with Rails.
- awesome-rails by @ruby-vietnam โ Rails libraries/app examples/ebooks/tutorials/screencasts/magazines/news.
- awesome-rails-gem โ Ruby Gems for Rails development.
- awesome-random-forest โ Decision forest, tree-based methods, including random forest, bagging, and boosting.
- awesome-react โ ReactJS tools, resources, videos.
- awesome-react-components โ React Components & Libraries.
- awesome-recommender-system โ Recommender System frameworks, libraries and software.
- awesome-redux โ Resources for Redux, the predictable state container.
- awesome-regex โ Regex tools and resources
- awesome-remote-job โ Remote companies and other resources.
- awesome-RemoteWork โ Books and links about and for remote work.
- awesome-rl โ Reinforcement Learning.
- awesome-rnn โ Recurrent Neural Networks.
- awesome-robotics
- awesome-rshiny - A curated list of resources for the R shiny package.
- awesome-ruby by @markets
- awesome-ruby by @Sdogruyol
- AwesomeRubyist/awesome_podcast_list โ Podcasts about Ruby and development, also in Russian.
- AwesomeRubyist/awesome_reading_list โ Books about Ruby and Rails.
- AwesomeRubyist/awesome_resource_list โ Resources for Ruby and Rails.
- awesome-rust
- awesome-sarl โ Resources for SARL Agent-Oriented Programming Language.
- awesome-sass โ Sass/SCSS extensions, articles, and examples.
- awesome-scala
- awesome-scalability - Scalability, Availability, and Stability Design Patterns in Back-end Development.
- awesome-sec-talks โ Security talks.
- awesome-security โ Software, libraries, documents, books, resources and cool stuff about security.
- awesome-selenium
- awesome-selfhosted โ Network services and web applications which can be hosted locally.
- awesome-services โ Services that make a painful programmer's life easier.
- awesome-share โ URLs for sharing on social media.
- awesome-sharepoint by @sergey-tihon
- awesome-SharePoint by @siaf
- awesome-shell โ Command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos.
- awesome-sheet-music โ Tools to create, edit and display sheet music.
- awesome-sketch โ Guides, articles, videos about Sketch 3.
- awesome-software-craftsmanship โ Software craftsmanship resources to help learn the craft.
- awesome-sound โ Sound & audio libraries and resources.
- awesome-sphinxdoc โ Tools for Sphinx Python Documentation Generator.
- awesome-sqlalchemy โ Extra libraries for SQLAlchemy, a Python ORM.
- awesome-standard โ Documenting the explosion of packages in the standard (JavaScript code style) ecosystem.
- awesome-stars In Chinese โ Useful libraries with personal remarks.
- awesome-static-analysis โ Static analysis tools, linters and code quality checkers.
- awesome-static-generators โ Static web site generators.
- awesome-styleguides
- awesome-svg
- awesome-swift by @matteocrippa
- awesome-swift by @Wolg
- awesome-symfony โ Symfony PHP framework bundles, utilities and resources.
- awesome-sysadmin โ Open source sysadmin resources.
- awesome-talks
- awesome-tensorflow โ TensorFlow machine intelligence library.
- awesome-tech-conferences โ Upcoming technical conferences.
- awesome-torch โ Tutorials, projects and communities for Torch, a scientific computing framework for LuaJIT.
- AwesomeTwitterAccounts โ Twitter accounts, organised by programming communities.
- awesome-typography - Resources on OpenType & TrueType.
- awesome-umbraco โ Resources for Umbraco 7, a .NET CMS.
- awesome-unity โ Assets and resources for Unity game engine.
- awesome-unix
- awesome-vagrant
- awesome-vector-tiles โ Implementations of the Mapbox Vector Tile specification.
- awesome-vim by @akrawchyk
- awesome-vim by @matteocrippa
- awesome-volt โ Resources for Volt Ruby framework.
- awesome-vue โ Resources for Vue.js JavaScript UI library.
- awesome-vulkan โ 3D graphics and compute API
- awesome-webcomponents โ
- awesome-web-scraping โ tools and programming libraries related to web scraping and data processing
- awesome-webservice โ Web and cloud services, SaaS.
- awesome-websockets โ Websocket libraries and resources.
- awesome-webvis โ WebVI examples made using LabVIEW systems engineering software.
- awesome-weekly โ Quality weekly subscription newsletters from the software world.
- awesome-wikipedia โ Wikipedia-related frameworks, libraries, software, datasets and references.
- awesome-wordpress from @dropndot
- awesome-wordpress by @endel
- awesome-wordpress by @miziomon
- awesome-workshopper CLI Workshoppers/adventures
- awesome-wpo โ Web Performance Optimization
- awesome-xcode-plugin - A curated list of useful xcode scripts ๐.
- awesome-xmpp - Curated list of awesome XMPP protocol resources.
- awesome-yamada Dancing Yamada
- awesome-yii โ Yii Framework extensions, tutorials and other nice things.
- awesome-yii-1 โ Libraries, books, sites and team of Yii Framework v1.x.
- awesome-zsh-plugins
Lists of lists
- awesome โ A curated list of awesome lists.
- awesome-all โ A curated list of awesome lists of awesome frameworks, libraries and software
- awesome-android-awesomeness
- awesome-awesome by @aligoren โ List of GitHub Lists
- awesome-awesome by @emijrp โ A curated list of awesome curated lists of many topics.
- awesome-awesome by @erichs โ A curated list of awesome curated lists! Inspired by inspiration.
- awesome-awesome by @oyvindrobertsen โ A curated list of curated lists of libraries, resources and shiny things for various languages.
- awesome-awesomeness โ A curated list of awesome awesomeness
- awesome-awesomeness-zh_CN In Chinese โ ไธญๆ็awesome list ็ณปๅๆ็ซ
- awesome-awesomes โ Awesome collection of awesome lists of libraries, tools, frameworks and software for any programming language
- awesome-collection โ A list of awesome repos.
- Awesome-Hacking โ Lists for hackers, pentesters and security researchers.
- getAwesomeness โ Explorer designed for curated awesome list hosted on Github
- ListOfGithubLists โ List of github lists
- list-of-lists โ A meta list of lists of useful open source projects and developer tools.
- must-watch-list โ List of must-watch lists.
- this one
- wiki In Chinese โ A curated list of awesome lists.
Lists of lists of lists
- awesome-awesome-awesome by @geekan โ An awesome-awesome list.
- awesome-awesome-awesome by @t3chnoboy โ A a curated list of curated lists of awesome lists.
- awesomecubed โ A curated list of awesome awesomeness awesomenesses.
- lologl โ List of Lists of Github Lists.
- meta-awesome
- the one above