
"REceived a Sentence with Invalid Checksum sentence was : " "

sdey76 opened this issue · 5 comments

Am getting below error with NEO 6M GPS MODULE, using ROS kinetic
rosrun nmea_navsat_driver nmea_serial_driver _port:=/dev/ttyUSB0 _baud:=38400
KIndly help. Thanks a lot

Your device appears to be sending sentences that contain no text. I suspect the baud rate of the driver does not match the baud rate of the device.

Thanks, I have set different baudrates, 4800 to 115200 also changed the same in the nmea serial

Can you suggest a gps module ( proven module here) that can interface with my ROS autonomous indoor lidar based robot , robot computer is a Jetson Nano,( ROS melodic) to do outdoor navigation . Help appreciated please. Thanks a lot.

I can not find an example in the doc of a correct call ( ), however, are you sure the parameter is passed this way?

_port:=/dev/ttyUSB0 I think it should be -port=/dev/ttyUSB0

and the same for same for baud!

You try to change the port and the baud, BUT, because your parameters are specified wrong, you always use port=/dev/ttyUSB0 and baud=4800 because that is the default.


Rx Tx - Arduino UNO used and not TTL USB Convertor
, with rosserial arduino
