
The command to launch simulated robot in README is incorrect

Closed this issue · 2 comments

the command to launch the simulated robot referred in README is
roslaunch ur_gazebo ur5.launch
However, in the package that I build from the "melodic-devel-staging" branch, it doesn't work and noted that there is not such launch file in ur_gazebo package.
Then I go to the source folder, what I have found is the launch file named "urxx_bringup.launch but not "urx.launch", so I change the command like this
roslaunch ur_gazebo ur5_bringup.launch and it finally works.

Is that problem only occurs in the branch "melodic-devel-staging" or there is really an incorrect instruction in the README ?

This should probably be fixed on the melodic-devel-staging branch as it was in #538, specifically c3fdfef.

This is now fixed for some time, so i'll close it. Thank you for the report!