
What is the correct way to attach UR5e to Husky?

AldrB opened this issue · 2 comments

AldrB commented

Melodic ROS, Gazebo 9, Ubuntu 18.04.

I need to attach the UR5e to Husky. I've installed universal_robot and Husky packages. Independently, they work fine. I'm having trouble attaching UR5e to Husky because the UR5e files are arranged differently. They require specific parameters to be passed from the launch file (i.e joint_limited and prefix). Additionally, I noticed that UR5e's urdf file contains a base_link. Husky's base has the same name. This is my attempt to resolve the issue but I get errors. Inside husky.urdf.xacro, I've placed these lines at the bottom

    <!-- common stuff -->
    <xacro:include filename="$(find ur_e_description)/urdf/common.gazebo.xacro" />
    <xacro:include filename="$(find ur_e_description)/urdf/ur5e.urdf.xacro"/>
    <!-- ur5e -->
    <xacro:ur5e_robot joint_limited="false"/>
    <xacro:ur5e_robot prefix="ur_arm_" />

    <xacro:arg name="arm_xyz" default="$(optenv HUSKY_UR_XYZ -0.105 0.0 0.0)"/>
    <xacro:arg name="arm_rpy" default="$(optenv HUSKY_UR_RPY 0 0 3.1415927)"/>
    <joint name="arm_mount_joint" type="fixed">
      <parent link="top_plate_front_link" />
      <child link="ur_arm_base_link" />
      <origin xyz="$(arg arm_xyz)" rpy="$(arg arm_rpy)"/>

I get this error Undefined parameters [prefix]. When I open ur5e.urdf.xacro, I see

  <xacro:macro name="ur5e_robot" params="prefix joint_limited
    shoulder_pan_lower_limit:=${-pi}    shoulder_pan_upper_limit:=${pi}
    shoulder_lift_lower_limit:=${-pi}    shoulder_lift_upper_limit:=${pi}
    elbow_joint_lower_limit:=${-pi}    elbow_joint_upper_limit:=${pi}
    wrist_1_lower_limit:=${-pi}    wrist_1_upper_limit:=${pi}
    wrist_2_lower_limit:=${-pi}    wrist_2_upper_limit:=${pi}
    wrist_3_lower_limit:=${-pi}    wrist_3_upper_limit:=${pi}
    safety_limits:=false safety_pos_margin:=0.15

All links depend on this prefix. For example, <link name="${prefix}base_link" >. How can I correctly pass these parameters?

You've already closed this, but just to draw your attention to it: with this:

    <xacro:ur5e_robot joint_limited="false"/>
    <xacro:ur5e_robot prefix="ur_arm_" />

you call the ur5e_robot macro twice. Unless you want two UR5es, it should probably be:

    <xacro:ur5e_robot joint_limited="false" prefix="ur_arm_" />

You've already closed this, but just to draw your attention to it: with this:

    <xacro:ur5e_robot joint_limited="false"/>
    <xacro:ur5e_robot prefix="ur_arm_" />

you call the ur5e_robot macro twice. Unless you want two UR5es, it should probably be:

    <xacro:ur5e_robot joint_limited="false" prefix="ur_arm_" />

@gavanderhoorn thank you so much. I did actually solve the problem and I do appreciate your feedback.