C-library with implementation of the Induction Motor rotor speed anf flux estimators (observers)

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

C-library with implementation of the Induction Motor rotor speed anf flux estimators (observers)

  • This embedded C-library provides the various types of Induction Motor estimators to implementation the FOC control systems:

    • Sensored rotor flux (angle, magnitude) and back-EMF observer
    • Sensorless stator back-EMF observer
    • Sensorless rotor speed and flux (angle, magnitude) observer
  • Project structure

    • README.md - current file
    • LICENSE - file with license description
    • fp_pid.h - C-header file with user data types and function prototypes (P/I/D library)
    • fp_pid.c - C-source file with firmware functions (P/I/D library)
    • im_estimators.h - C-header file with user data types and function prototypes (Induction Motor estimators library)
    • im_estimators.c - C-source file with firmware functions (Induction Motor estimators library)

HowToUse (example)

  • Example 1 - Stator back-EMF observer

      #include "im_estimators.h"
      // Measurable values of stator voltages and currents:
      float IsAl, IsBe, UsAl, UsBe;
      // Observable value of stator back-EMF:
      float EsAl, EsBe;
      // 1st step: create and initialize the global variables of user data structures
      tIMparams IMparams = IM_PARAMS_DEFAULTS;
      tIMstatObs sIMstatObs = IM_STAT_OBS_DEFAULTS;
      // 2nd step: do some settings
      IMparams.fDt = 0.0001f;         // set the discretization (sample) time
      IMparams.fNpP = 2.0f;           // set the count of stator pole pairs
      IMparams.fRr = 4.516f;          // set the rotor resistance constant
      IMparams.fRs = 50.0f;           // set the stator resistance constant
      IMparams.fLr = 0.143f;          // set the rotor inductance constant
      IMparams.fLs = 0.143f;          // set the stator inductance constant
      IMparams.fLm = 0.14f;           // set the magnetizing inductance constant
      IMparams.m_init(&IMparams);     // call the initialization function of induction motor parameters
      // 3rd step: Next code must be executed every time with IMparams.fDt period when 
      // new calculation of Stator back-EMF values is needed
      sIMstatObs.fIsAl = IsAl;        // update the stator current Alpha
      sIMstatObs.fIsBe = IsBe;        // update the stator current Beta
      sIMstatObs.fUsAl = UsAl;        // update the stator voltage Alpha
      sIMstatObs.fUsBe = UsBe;        // update the stator voltage Beta
      sIMstatObs.m_calc(&sIMstatObs, &IMparams); // call the Stator back-EMF observer function
      EsAl = sIMstatObs.fEsAl;        // observed stator back-EMF voltage Alpha
      EsBe = sIMstatObs.fEsBe;        // observed stator back-EMF voltage Beta
  • Example 2 - Rotor flux and back-EMF observer

      #include "im_estimators.h"
      // Measurable values of stator currents:
      float IsAl, IsBe;
      // Measurable value of rotor mechanical speed (Rad/Sec):
      float Wr;
      // Observable values of rotor back-EMF and flux:
      float ErAl, ErBe, Fang, Fmag;
      // 1st step: create and initialize the global variables of user data structures
      tIMparams IMparams = IM_PARAMS_DEFAULTS;
      tIMrotObs IMrotObs = IM_ROT_OBS_DEFAULTS;
      // 2nd step: do some settings
      IMparams.fDt = 0.0001f;         // set the discretization (sample) time
      IMparams.fNpP = 2.0f;           // set the count of stator pole pairs
      IMparams.fRr = 4.516f;          // set the rotor resistance constant
      IMparams.fRs = 50.0f;           // set the stator resistance constant
      IMparams.fLr = 0.143f;          // set the rotor inductance constant
      IMparams.fLs = 0.143f;          // set the stator inductance constant
      IMparams.fLm = 0.14f;           // set the magnetizing inductance constant
      IMparams.m_init(&IMparams);     // call the initialization function of induction motor parameters
      // 3rd step: Next code must be executed every time with IMparams.fDt period when 
      // new calculation of rotor back-EMF and flux values is needed
      IMrotObs.fIsAl = IsAl;          // update the stator current Alpha
      IMrotObs.fIsBe = IsBe;          // update the stator current Beta
      IMrotObs.fWrE = Wr*IMparams.fNpP; // update the rotor electrical speed value
      IMrotObs.m_calc(&IMrotObs, &IMparams); // call the rotor back-EMF and flux observer function
      ErAl = IMrotObs.fErAl;          // observed rotor back-EMF voltage Alpha
      ErBe = IMrotObs.fErBe;          // observed rotor back-EMF voltage Beta
      Fang = atan2f(IMrotObs.fFrAl, IMrotObs.fFrBe); // observed rotor flux angle
      Fmag = hypotf(IMrotObs.fFrAl, IMrotObs.fFrBe); // observed rotor flux magnitude
  • Example 3 - Rotor speed and flux observer

      // Measurable values of stator voltages and currents:
      float IsAl, IsBe, UsAl, UsBe;
      // Observable value of rotot mechanical speed (Rad/Sec):
      float Wr;
      // Observable values of rotor flux:
      float Fang, Fmag;
      // 1st step: create and initialize the global variables of user data structures
      tIMparams IMparams = IM_PARAMS_DEFAULTS;
      tIMspeedObs sIMspeedObs = IM_SPEED_OBS_DEFAULTS;
      // 2nd step: do some settings
      IMparams.fDt = 0.0001f;         // set the discretization (sample) time
      IMparams.fNpP = 2.0f;           // set the count of stator pole pairs
      IMparams.fRr = 4.516f;          // set the rotor resistance constant
      IMparams.fRs = 50.0f;           // set the stator resistance constant
      IMparams.fLr = 0.143f;          // set the rotor inductance constant
      IMparams.fLs = 0.143f;          // set the stator inductance constant
      IMparams.fLm = 0.14f;           // set the magnetizing inductance constant
      IMparams.m_init(&IMparams);     // call the initialization function of induction motor parameters
      // configure the speed observer adapter based on PI-controller:
      sIMspeedObs.sPI.fDtSec = IMparams.fDt; // set the discretization (sample) time for PI-controller
      sIMspeedObs.sPI.fKp = 0.1f;     // set the proportional coefficient of PI-controller
      sIMspeedObs.sPI.fKp = 0.01f;    // set the integral coefficient of PI-controller
      sIMspeedObs.sPI.fUpOutLim = 300.0f; // set the PI-controller's output upper limit (Max rotor electrical speed value)
      sIMspeedObs.sPI.fUpOutLim = -300.0f;// set the PI-controller's output lower limit (Min rotor electrical speed value)
      // 3rd step: Next code must be executed every time with IMparams.fDt period when 
      // new calculation of rotor speed and flux values is needed
      sIMspeedObs.fIsAl = IsAl;       // update the stator current Alpha
      sIMspeedObs.fIsBe = IsBe;       // update the stator current Beta
      sIMspeedObs.fUsAl = UsAl;       // update the stator voltage Alpha
      sIMspeedObs.fUsBe = UsBe;       // update the stator voltage Beta
      sIMspeedObs.m_calc(&sIMspeedObs, &IMparams); // call the rotor speed and flux observer function
      Wr = sIMspeedObs.fWrE/IMparams.fNpP; // observed rotor mechanical speed
      Fang = sIMspeedObs.fFrAng;      // observed rotor flux angle
      Fmag = sIMspeedObs.fFrMagn;     // observed rotor flux magnitude
