MultiNicheNet: a flexible framework for differential cell-cell communication analysis from multi-sample multi-condition single-cell transcriptomics data
- 8
Process killed (out of memory)
#88 opened by TessaGillett - 4
ERROR in less than 3 samples ( ERROR: get_DE_info_sampleAgnostic
#80 opened by tian6067 - 7
Lack of Robustness to Outliers
#85 opened by DarioS - 1
Difference in results between the step by step vignette and multi_nichenet_analysis
#87 opened by APuchkina - 5
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Receiver cells in differential analysis
#86 opened by Cacti-Jiang - 1
Redundant Comparison Shown
#84 opened by DarioS - 1
- 1
conditions written in contrasts_oi should be in the contrast column of contrast_tbl column!
#82 opened by Dalhte - 1
Problem with download
#81 opened by Dalhte - 0
- 0
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Installation issue
#77 opened by sidrahmaryam-cyber - 1
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Older version
#76 opened by shelby2919 - 2
- 3
'combine_sender_receiver_de' function exists in nichenetr and multinichenetr
#70 opened by avpatel18 - 8
Error in Interpretable bubble plots
#72 opened by Chenium123 - 2
installation issue
#69 opened by alexstu - 3
- 1
- 3
- 1
Prioritization Weights Seem Arbitrary
#67 opened by DarioS - 1
min_cells Contradictory Default
#66 opened by DarioS - 1
Question senders_oi/receivers_oi and p_adj values
#64 opened by chloebazin - 1
Random effects covariates
#63 opened by tomthomas3000 - 1
#62 opened by nicolebussola - 4
- 1
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incorporating ATAC-seq data?
#60 opened by wanghlv - 1
- 3
perform_muscat_de_analysis errored
#55 opened by vanessadisela - 5
Error in muscat::pbDS
#54 opened by emmmasu - 1
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- 13
Error in dplyr::mutate() during "Combine all the information in prioritization tables"
#39 opened by nvribeiro - 1
circos plot
#46 opened by inbarsh2 - 2
- 1
Error when creating contrasts_oi_simplified when running multi_nichenet_analysis_combined
#47 opened by Isabellvse - 1
How do you determine which group the results are up-regulated in? why the circolplot incoherence with heatmap?
#52 opened by SMU-TK-2022 - 1
How can I save the high resolution plots generated from multinichenetr with R code?
#50 opened by kaarg2 - 2
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inner_join issue
#40 opened by ckim-nkx - 2
supporting evidence for the regulate potential of a ligand on a target
#44 opened by zhenzhenyang-psu - 1
Regarding Ligand-receptor DB
#42 opened by lagom2728 - 1
Issue with abundance_expression_info, Error in `dplyr::pull()`: Caused by error: ! object 'ligand' not found
#45 opened by 15013040212 - 4
no sample_id
#41 opened by GGboy-Zzz