arm_operation package



Clone this repo into your workspace

$ cd ~/path/to/your/ws/src && git clone -b e_series
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
$ cd ~/path/to/your/ws && catkin_make && source devel/setup.bash

ROS Node:

urX_control_server (Currently support UR5e)

  • Advertise some useful services for controlling the robot, such as set TCP link of the robot arm to user given cartesian/joint pose, etc.

Message Type:

Service Type:

Use for Real Robot

For real robot, follow the preparation in here, conect the Ethernet cable to your PC and run

$ roslaunch arm_operation urX_real.launch robot_ip:=[ur_robot_ip]

Use for Robot in Simulation



  • Fix velocity control link in real robot
  • Implement real velocity control