
This project is done in the course of "Advanced Physical Design using OpenLANE/Sky130" workshop by VLSI System Design Corporation. In this project, a PicoRV32a SoC is taken and then the RTL to GDSII Flow is implemented with Openlane using Skywater130nm PDK. Custom-designed standard cells with Sky130 PDK are also used in the flow. Timing Optimisations are carried out. Slack violations are removed. DRC is verified

Primary LanguageVerilog

Physical Design with OpenLane using SKY130 PDK

This project is done in the course "Advanced Physical Design using OpenLANE/Sky130" by VLSI System Design Corporation. In this project a complete RTL to GDSII flow for PicoRV32a SoC is executed with Openlane using Skywater130nm PDK. Custom desgined standard cells with Sky130 PDK are also used in the flow. Timing Optimisations are carried out. Slack violations are removed. DRC is verified

Table of Contents


With the advent of open-source technologies for Chip development, there were several RTL designs, EDA Tools which were open-sourced. The missing piece in a complete Open source chip development was filled by the SKY130 PDK from Skywater Technologies and Google. There were several EDA Tools, which played specfic roles in the design cycle. There was not a clean design flow and Skywater pdk was compatible with only the industrty tools. OpenLane addressed these issues in providing a completely automated and clean RTL to GDSII flow. OpenLane is not a tool, but a flow which consists of several EDA tools, automation scripts and Skywater-pdks tuned to work specifically with the open-source EDA tools.

Overall Design Flow

For a design Specification an RTL Design is written in HDLs like Verilog /VHDL or RTL Design is generated using Hardware Construction Languages like Chisel or High Level Synthesis using SystemC, MATLAB HDL Coder, Bluespec etc or a modern abstraction level called TL-Verilog (its not a HDL/HLS) , specified by TL-x.org. After this begins the workflow of taking the RTL Netlist into a fabricated IC, which is called as Physical Design Flow.

Physical Design begins with Floor planning - placing the preplaced cells, power planning etc., secondly Placement of Logical Synthesis. Now we do CTS (Clock Tree Synthesis) such there the skew of the clock is the minimum or within the required threshold. After CTS, Routing is done to route all the components placed. Between each and every step that happens in the physical design flow starting from Logic Synthesis to routing, a procedure called "Static Timing Analysis" is done to analyse the design at every step to ensure the actual correctness of the design. To view every stage, Magic is an open source tool to view the layouts. A small netlist can be extracted and a SPICE Simulation can be performed and compared with the Post Layout Simulation using ngspice.

Simplified Design Flow

OpenLane Flow

enter image description here

1. Synthesis

The RTL Level Design is then synthesized using a Logic Synthesizer. We use Yosys which is an Open Source Logic Synthesizer. The RTL Netlist is then converted into a synthesised netlist where there are details about the standard cells and its implementations. Yosys takes the RTL design and timing .libs and verilog models of standard cells and converts into a RTL Netlist. abc does the tehnology mapping to the required skywater-pdk variants

1.1 Synthesis Strategies

Different strategies can be used to synthesize for the either the least area or the best timing. To analyse this, synthesis exploration utility generates a report showing the effect on delays/timing/area et.,

1.2 Deign Exploration Utility

This is used to suit the design configuration and generate reports with different metrics to select the best. This is also used for regression testing

1.3 Design For Test - DFT Insertion

This is an optional step carried out by Fault. It is used to test the design

2. Floor Planning and Power Planning

This is done by OpenROAD flow. The macros and IPs are placed in the core before proceding further. This is called as pre-placement. Floor planning is done separately for the macros and it is called macro floor planning. They are placed in such a way that they are closer to the inputs/outputs/other macros where more connections are present. Then to prevent the loading effects de-coupling capacitors are placed so that the logic states are well within the noise margin.

When several blocks tap power from a single source, there is a problem of Voltage Droop at the Vdd and Ground Bounce at the Vss which can again push the logic out of the required noise margin into the undefined state. To mitigate this Vdd and Vss are placed as horizontal and vertical strips in the chip so that the blocks can tap power from the nearest source.

3. Placement

There are two types of placement. The other required logic is placed optimally. Placement is of two steps

  • Global Placement- finds the optimal position for each cells. These positions are not necessarly correct, cells may overlap
  • Detialed Placement - After Global placement is done minimal alterations are done to correct the issues

4. Clock Tree Synthesis

To ensure minimum skew the Clock is routed optimally through the circuit using different algorithms. This is done in the OpenROAD flow. This is done by TritonCTS.

5. Fake Antenna and diode swapping

Long wires acts as antennas and cause accumulation of charges during the fabrication process damaging the transistor. To avoid this bridging is used to pass the wire through different layers or an antenna diode cell is added to leak away the charges

  • OpenLane approach - Insert Fake Diode to every cell input during placement. This matches the footprint of the library of the antenna diode. The Antenna Checker is run to check for violations, if there are violations then the fake diode is swapped with a real one.
  • OpenROAD approach - In the global route step, the antenna violation is addressed automatically by inserting an antenan diode OpenLane allows the user to chose either of the above approaches

5. Routing

This step is used to implement the interconnect using the different metal layers specified in the PDK. There are two steps

  • Global Routing - This is done inside the OpenROAD flow (FastRoute)
  • Detailed Routing - This is performed using TritonRoute outside the OpenROAD flow after the global routing. Before performing this step the Logic Equivalence Check is performed by Yosys, since OpenROAD does some optimisations the circuit.

6. RC Extraction

From the .def file, the parasitic extraction is done to generate the .spef file (Standard Prasitic Exchange Format) which produces an accurate analog model of the circuit by including the parasitic effects due to wires, parasitic capacitances, etc.,

7. STA

At this stage again OpenSTA is used to perform the Static Timing Analysis.

8. Sign-off Steps

  • Design Rule Check (DRC) is performed by Magic
  • Layout Versus Schematic (LVS) is performed by Netgen

9. GDSII Extraction

The routed .def file is used my Magic to generate the GDSII file

OpenLane Installation and Environment Setup


  • Efabless GIthub or

  • OpenLane build Script by Nikson Jose

  • The above repository can be followed if the installation is done on a VirtualMachine/Linux

  • The following steps are required to run OpenLane inWindows Subsystem for Linux (WSL1) before installation of

  • OpenLANE Enable WSL1 -

    • Reference
    • Install VSCode and RemoteWSL Extension
    • Connect to the WSL and open the folder in WSL
    • Download and Install VcXserv to run GUI Applications
    • Start VcXserv. Check the "Disable access control box"
    • Set the Display number as 0 (or anynumber) In WSL terminal use the commandexport DISPLAY=:0
    • Install Docker Desktop in windows
    • Enable the below option
    • Docker  Setup
    • Follow this and install docker dependencies inside WSL
    • Every time start docker in WSL to use the docker in windows exposed on the port 2375 using this command echo "export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://localhost:2375" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc This must be done everytime before trying to OpenLane Use docker info to check the status

    This installation can also be done on a remote Linux instance and Putty can be used with X11 fowarding configured to localhost:0 with VcXsrv installed in the host machine with Display number set to 0.

OpenLane Directory Structure

Open the openlane directory enter image description here

  • The designs folder contains all the designs provided by Efabless. This is the directory from which OpenLane fetches the design. Consider the picorv32a design. Upon design preparation a runs folder is added. Within the folder containing the date resides the configuration, results, reports and other files that are use in the run.


  • The scripts folder contains all the automation scripts used by OpenLane
  • Open in the pdk folder contains three sub folders.
  • skywater-pdk is by defaukt not configured to work with opensource tools. So OpenLane provides open_pdk and Sky130A directory which has the configuration files for each of the tools used in the OpenLane flow
  • The configuration folder comtains the .tvl configurations for each tool. However these configurations can be overridden within the design or interactively in the openlane flow
  • The pdk directory contains
    • skywater-pdks - This contains the pdk provided by the skywater foundry
    • openpdk - This contains the openpdks
    • sky130A - This directory contains the library referenes and the library technology files which are adpated to work with OpenLane Floe pdk directory

Working with OpenLane

Start Openlane

Go the the openlane directory and type docker to start the docker containter.\

The terminal changes into the docker instance.\

Open the OpenLane in interactive mode.\

./flow.tcl -interactive\

Set the package required by OpenLane.\

package require openlane 0.9

OpenLane 1

Design Preparation

Prepare the design

prep -design picorv32a

  • To resume from a previous run use -tag run_name
  • To overwrite the previous run use tag run_name -overwrite
  • Note: Any configuration done in the config.tcl of the source folder after design preparation will not be refleceted. To run wih a modified configuration, the design configuration can be overriten by passing the configuration to openlane interactively
  • A runs folder is created as discussed
  • On loading a previous run, to know the last run state one has to check the Current def file which is set. This can be done using
echo $::env(CURRENT_DEF)
  • To set to resume from a stage before the current DEF , one has to set the CURRENT_DEF environment variable to the required path. This can be done using
set ::env(CURRENT_DEF) /path/to/the/required/def/file
  • The def files of every stage can be found in the runs>results>stage_name>design_stage.def path.
  • These def files can be opened with magic by using the sky130A.tech as the technology file and the lef file from the tmp directory if required.


Configuration Priority

Configuration priority (from high to low) is as follows

  • pdk_specific_config.tcl - Design Folder
  • config.tcl - Design Folder
  • tool_specific_config - Configuration Folder in OPENLANE_ROOT


Run the synthesis


OpenLane invokes the following

  • Yosys - RTL Synthesis and maps to yosys generic cells
  • abc - Technology mapping with the Skywater130 PDK. Here sky130_fd_sc_hd Skywater Foundry produced High density standard cells are used.
  • OpenSTA - This does the Static Timing Analysis on the netlist generated after synthesis and generated the timing reports

View the synthesis statistics

Synthesis stats

The STA Reports can be viewed from the Reports folder.

The openSTA tool generated the timing reports. It can be seen from below that

  • total negative slack = -759.46
  • worst negative slack = -24.89

synthesis complete

Key concepts

Utilisation Factor

  • The flop ratio is defined as the ratio of the number of flops to the total number of cells
  • Here flop ratio is 1613/14876 = 0.1084 (i.e: 10.8%) [From the synthesis statistics]

Utilisation Factor

  • The ratio of area occupied by the cells in the netlist to the total area of the core
  • Best practice is to set the utilisation factor less than 50% so that there will be space for optimisations, routing, inserting buffers etc.,

Aspect Ratio

  • Aspect ratio is the ratio of height to the width of the die.
  • Aspect Ratio of 1 indicates that the die is a square die


Floorplanning involves the following stages

Pre-Placed cells

  • Whenever there is a complex logic which is repeated multiple times or a design given by a third-party it can be perceived as abstract black box with input and output ports, clocks etc .,

  • These modules can be either macros or IP

    • Macro - It is a module such as CPU Core which are developed by the entity fabicating the chip
    • IP - It is an "Intellectual Propertly" which the entity fabricating the chip gets as a package from a third party or even packaged Hard IPs developed by the same entity. Common examples of IPs are SRAM, PLL, Protocol Converters etc.,
  • These Macros and IPs are placed in the core at first before placing the standard cells and power planning

  • These are optimally such that the cells which are more connected to each other are placed nearby and oriented for input and ouputs

Decoupling Capacitors to the pre placed cells

  • The power lines can have some RLC component causing the voltage to drop at the node where it enters the Blocks or the ground of the cell can be at a higher potential than ideally 0V
  • When this happens, there is a chance such that the logic transitions are not to the upper or lower noise margins but to the forbidden state causing the circuit to misbehave
  • This is prevented by adding a capacitor in parallel with the power and ground node of the block such that the capacitor decouples the block from the power source whenever there is a logic transition

Power Planning

  • When there are several cells or blocks drawing power from the same power rail and sinking power to the same ground pin the following effects are observed
    • Whenever there is alogic transition from 1 to 0 in a large number of cells then there is a Voltage Droop in the power lines as Voltage Drops from Vdd
    • Whener there is a logic transition from 0 to 1 in a large number of cells simultaneously causes the ground potential to raise above 0V calles as Ground Bump
    • These effects pose a risk of driving the logic state out of the specified noise margin.
    • To avoid this the Vdd and Gnd are placed as a grid of horizontal and vertical tracks and the cell nearer to an intersection can tap power or sink power to the Vdd or Gnd intersection respectively

Pin Placement

  • The input, output and Clock pins are placed optimally such that there is less complication in routing or optimised delay
  • There are different styles of pin placement in openlane like random pin placement , uniformly spaced etc.,

Floorplanning - Openlane

Command: run_floorplan

Let us change the VMETAL and HMETAL Layers

Note : In openlane the layer numbers are 1 less than the actual layer

[Right: Modifed Configuration in design, Left: Default Config in openlane]


Run the floorplan

Configuration reflected in the runs folder runconfig

This command generated the picorv32a.floorplan.def file in the ./results/floorplan directory

Open the file in magic

magic -T /path tosky130A.tech file in libs.tech magic/

In the tkcon window read the lef and def file as follows. The lef file is present in the tmp directory as merged.lef

Zoom in view that the pins are equally spaced

  • Tap calls are used to avoid Latchup connections
  • They connect the nwell to the Vdd and Substrate to Gnd
  • In the lower left corner some standard cell buffer are placed even though placement is not done

Floorplan Design Exchange File


  • In this steps the standard cells are placed in the floorplanned design
  • In palcement buffers are placed whereever the wire delay is large
  • Placement in openlane happens in two steps
    • Global Placament
    • Detailed Placement
  • Global placement is not always legalised
  • However, Detailed placement is strict and adheres to the Design Rules

Command : run_placement

Output : picorv32a.placement.def file in the results/placement and captures a screenshot and saved the PNG

Open the picorv32a.placement.def in magic

Cell Design Flow

  • Inputs : PDK, DRC & LVS rules, SPICE models, library & User defined specs
    • The introduction of lambda based design rules allowed a design to be loosely tied with the fabrication process
    • The layout geometry (DRC) are expressed in terms of multiples of lambda which is half the feature size
    • Users define the cell height to be the separation between the power and the ground rail
    • Cell width is dependent on the timing information and required drive strength
    • Cell Width increases, Area Increases, Timing decreases, Drive Strength increases as the Resistance and Capacitance decreases(RC)
    • Supply voltage is also specified by the top level design
    • The designed cell must fit in the above specifications
  • Output : CDL(Circuit Description Language), GDSII(Graphic Design Standard 2), LEF(Layout Exchange Format), .lib containing Timing, Noise and Power characteristics
  • Process
    1. Circuit Design

      1. The function is implemented interms of MOSFETs and a network graph is drawn for PDN and PUN
      2. The Euler Path is identified for PUN and PDN
      3. The w/l ratio of the mosfets are decided
      4. The output we get is interms of a Circuit Description Language
    2. Layout Design

      1. Based on the Euler Path a stick diagram is drawn and the layout is drawn in magic
      2. DRC is verified in magic
      3. extract all command is used to extract the .ext file
      4. ext2spice cthresh0 rthresh0 and RC model spice extraction is done
    3. Charactersisation

      1. Modify the .spice file with the necessary power sources
      2. Add the library files and pmos, nmos models
      3. Add Stimulus commands
      4. Obtain
        1. slew_low_rise_thr (20% of max)
        2. slew_high_rise_thr (80%)
        3. slew_low_fall_thr (20%)
        4. slew_high_fall_thr(80%)
        5. in_rise_thr
        6. in_fall_thr
        7. out_fall_thr
        8. out_rise_thr
      5. Calculate
        1. Slew_x = difference between slew_high_x_thr and slew_low_x_thr
        2. Delay_x = difference between out_x_thr and in_x_thr

SPICE Deck Creation

Simulation in ngspce


VTC with 2.5 x W (@.5 times channel width of pmos)

From the above we can see that the switching threshold of the latter is exactly midway with reference to Vdd and is slightly shifted to the left with the former

At the Switching threshold pmos and nmos drain add up to zero. Using this condition and the Drain Current equation we can fix a value for W/L to obtain the required switching voltage

Transient Simulation

From this the thresholds timings are characterised

Custom Design of SKY130 Standard cell

Refer Nickson-Jose Git Repo for the files

The objective is to insert the custom designed inverter into the openlane flow

Open the sky130_inv.mag file in magic

  • DRC is checked. To place in the openLANE flow we need the LEF File only.

  • LEF is the Library Exchange Format.

  • It has only the information of the metal layers.

  • It has no information of the function.

  • Because only the metal contacts are sufficient enough to do the placement.

  • This allows for protection of the IP of the vendor so the buyer cant reverse engineer the design as a single LEF can enumerate to multiple Layouts as the number of possible interconnection keep increasing with intersections and the layers

SPICE Characterisation

Extract the SPICE file

Extracted Spice File

The following test circuit has to be implemented.

Edited SPICE Deck

Ngspice simulation

From the graph manually timing characterisation is done

LEF Extraction

To make the standard cells to be used in the PnR the following rules are followed

  • The input and output ports must lie on the vertical and horizontal tracks
  • The width of the standard cell muse be odd multiple of the track pitch
  • The height of the standard cell must be odd multiple of the vertical pitch

tracks.info file contains this information

Adjust grid accordingly so that the geometry can be interpreted with the track information

In the Layout file the ports are defined,as the LEF file requires only ihe information of the ports by using magic edit>text

Extract the lef file

Extracted LEF File

The standard cell is included in the skywater library

Copy the libraries and lef file the the design source folder

Synthesis, Floorplanning with custom standard cell

Edit the config.tcl in the design folder as shown below

In openlane enter the following to include the lef ile

Run Synthesis

It can be seen that the added cell is included

Static Timing Analysis

Go to the /openlane_ROOT/designs/runs/t1/reports/synthesis directory to see the OpenSTA timing reports

After synthesis the total negative slack and worst negative slack can be seen

Maximum Slack violation observed

Area of the chip

Adjusting the syntesis parameters

  • SYNTH_STRATEGY is set as DELAY 1 to optimise the timing and tradeoff the area
  • SYNTH_SIZING to allow including various sizes of the standard cells to optimise the timing
  • Changes are made with the following commands in openlane.
    set ::env(SYNTH_STRATEGY) "DELAY 1"
    set ::env(SYNTH_SIZING) 1
  • The commands can also be included in the cofig.tcl file but the run has to be overwritten

After modification the synthesis reported as follows

We can see that the area is increased and the number of cells are also increased

Maximum Slack

Minimum Slack

Floorplanning and Placement

Now run_floorplan. This generates a picorv32a.floorplan.def

To avoid errors follow the below steps to perform the floorplan and placement

  1. init_floorplan
  2. place_io
  3. global_placement_or
  4. detailed_placement
  5. tap_decap_or
  6. detailed_placement

Click here to view the logs, reports and results

DEF File after Placement


Pre-CTS Timing Analysis in OpenRoad

This CTS is performed on the placement .def file. Since that is the recently run

  • In openlane type openroad
  • Read the lef file
    • read_lef /openLANE_flow/designs/picorv32a/runs/t3/tmp/merged.lef
  • Read the Def file
    • read_def /openLANE_flow/designs/picorv32a/runs/t3/results/cts/picorv32a.placement.def
  • Create the db
    • write_db pico_cts_2.db
  • Preform Analysis using OpenSTA inside openroad
  • read_db pico_cts_2.db
  • read_verilog /openLANE_flow/designs/picorv32a/runs/t3/results/synthesis/picorv32a.v
  • read_liberty $::env(LIB_SYNTH_COMPLETE)
  • link_design picorv32a
  • read_sdc /openLANE_flow/vsdstdcelldesign/extras/my_base.sdc
  • Set the clock buffer to use from 2
  • set ::env(CTS_CLK_BUFFER_LIST) [lreplace $::env(CTS_CLK_BUFFER_LIST) 0 0]
  • set_propagated_clock [all_clocks]
  • report_checks -format full_clock_expanded -digits 4
  • Minimum Slack
  • Maximum Slack

Run the CTS and do the Post STA Analysis with the same steps

Run the CTS using run_cts

A .def file after cts is created and an optimised .v netlist is created in the synthesis folder

Def file after CTS


  • gen_pdn - Generate the Power Distribution network
  • The power distrubution network has to take the design_cts.def as the input def file.
  • This will create the grid and the straps for the Vdd and the ground. These are placed around the standard cells.
  • The standard cells are designed such that it's height is multiples of the space between the Vdd and the ground rails. Here, the pitch is 2.72. Only if the above conditions are adhered it is possible to power the standard cells.
  • The power to the chip, enters through the power pads. There is each for Vdd and Gnd
  • From the pads, the power enters the rings, through the via
  • The straps are connected to the ring. Vdd straps are connected to the Vdd ring and the Gnd Straps are connected to the Gnd ring. There are horizontal and the vertical straps
  • Now the power has to be supplied from the straps to the standard cells. The straps are connected to the rails of the standard cells
  • If macros are present then the straps attach to the rings of the macros via the macro pads and the pdn for the macro is pre-done.
  • There are definitions for the straps and the railss. In this design straps are at metal layer 4 and 5 and the standard cell rails are at the metal layer 1. Vias connect accross the layers as required.


  • run_routing - To start the routing
  • The options for routing can be set in the config.tcl file.
  • The optimisations in routing can also be done by specifying the routing strategy to use different version of TritonRoute Engine. There is a trade0ff between the optimised route and the runtime for routing.
  • For the default setting picorv32a takes approximately 30 minutesaccording to the current version of TritonRoute.
  • This routing stage must have the CURRENT_DEF set to pdn.def
  • The two stages of routing are performed by the following engines
    • Global Route : Fast Route
    • Detailed Route : Triton Route
  • Fast Route generates the routing guides, whereas Triton Route uses the Global Route and then completes the routing with some strategies and optimisations for finding the best possible path connect the pins.

  • The routing has been complted without any DRC violations.
  • RC Extraction is done and the SPEF File is generated in the picorv32a/runs/03-07_16-12/results/routing/picorv32a.spef
  • The routing guides produced in each stage of the routing is present in the run/run_name/tmp/routing directory
  • In the current version of OpenLane (Openlane 0.21), the SPEF Extractor is built-in. So on running the routing the Parasitics are extracted and Post-routing STA is performed.
  • In the older versions of openlane, the SPEF Extraction has to be done manually and the STA has to be performed in Openroad by creating a new db with the new def file and the appropriate verilog netlists.

Final DEF File after routing


GDS Stands for Graphic Design Standard. This is the file that is sent to the foundry and is called "tape-out"

Fact- Earlier, the GDS files were written on magnetic tapes and sent out to the foundry and hence the name "tape-out"

In openLane use the command run_magic

The GDSII file is generated in the results/magic directory

Checking DRC using run_magic_drc

No DRC errors are found.

Opening the GDSII file in klayout

