- 0
Welcome update to OpenMMLab 2.0
#39 opened by vansin - 1
How to save the predicted bbox in a file?
#37 opened by nile649 - 7
- 1
YOLOv4 of mmdet. version
#35 opened by Tim-Hung - 11
f'{obj_type} is not in the {} registry') KeyError: 'WaymoOpenDataset is not in the dataset registry' and python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=$GPUS --master_port=$PORT \ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
#34 opened by gopikrishnabs - 1
How can i use yolox with
#33 opened by betterhalfwzm - 1
Pre-trained checkpoints on Waymo Open Dataset
#32 opened by KaiChen1998 - 3
Thread for minor results
#18 opened by shinya7y - 1
visualization technologies
#31 opened by sure7018 - 1
- 1
UniverseNet Pretrained on Manga109
#29 opened by JosephAssaker - 4
Test picture
#28 opened by sure7018 - 6
Train other datasets
#27 opened by sure7018 - 1
inference annotations as strings?
#26 opened by rainwala - 1
UniverseNet using experience
#22 opened by HBioquant - 3
- 1
Multi gpu training
#24 opened by sh7jacobi - 8
loss nan error
#13 opened by whut2962575697 - 8
I try to fine-tuning from a COCO pre-trained model,but the loss is always nan.
#12 opened by muzishen - 1
There are many memory occupation in GPU0
#23 opened by John-Yao - 5
Have you tried with the latest resnet model?
#16 opened by Manojbhat09 - 9
the training duration of relationnet ++
#21 opened by sure7018 - 1
Is there an object relation module in your code
#20 opened by sure7018 - 2
- 1
Have you tried PAA assign as anchor assigner?
#17 opened by HAOCHENYE - 2
Any technical reports?
#2 opened by lucasjinreal - 5
loss nan error when set filter_empty_gt=False
#14 opened by zhengye1995 - 1
Group error
#15 opened by CuongNN218 - 9
- 5
- 3
Request for NightOwls Model weights
#9 opened by shardulparab97 - 2
- 4
RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (4) must match the size of tensor b (7) at non-singleton dimension 1
#7 opened by Ericargus - 7
when use model inference, RuntimeError: input image is smaller than kernel.How can I solve the error?
#3 opened by chenzyhust - 6
For universenet is it possible to use pretrained weights while changing the class number from 80 to 1?
#4 opened by iampartho - 1
time and data_time
#6 opened by swapnil-saha - 9
Weirdly low AP at early epochs of fine-tuning. Could you please share your log file ?
#5 opened by HongQWang - 2
COCO weights for UniverseNet+GFL
#1 opened by amirassov