
Find first set operation in Verilog-2001 with logarithmic complexity.

Primary LanguageVerilog

Find First Set

Repository: https://github.com/E4tHam/find_first_set


Learn about the Find First Set Operation.

This is a logarithmic complexity implementation with recursive modules written in Verilog-2001.

This module is compatible with FuseSoC. It's core name is e4tham::ffs.


To download via curl:

curl -LJO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/E4tHam/find_first_set/main/rtl/ffs.v

To add this library via FuseSoC:

fusesoc library add e4tham_ffs https://github.com/E4tHam/find_first_set --sync-type=git


The ffs_m module scans through an input vector in with width INPUT_WIDTH and puts the index of the first 1 in out.

Extra: If SIDE == 1'b0, it scans from msb->lsb; If SIDE == 1'b1, it scans from lsb->msb.

module ffs_m #(
    parameter INPUT_WIDTH   = 8,    // input vector width
    parameter SIDE          = 1'b0, // 0 or 1 means scanning from msb->lsb or lsb->msb
    parameter USE_X         = 1'b0  // (for debugging) invalid inputs will have {x} as output
) (
    input             [INPUT_WIDTH-1:0] in,     // input vector to scan
    output                              valid,  // whether the input has a 1
    output    [$clog2(INPUT_WIDTH)-1:0] out     // the index of the first 1