- alexgaooUC Berkeley
- drallensmithUnited States (of America); moving from Iowa to NH
- DylanKojiCheslinUnited States
- enriquedecote
- etotheipluspiMach Industries
- ferasOSLondon, UK
- ionvisionFacebook
- johannahMobile Robotics Lab, McGill University
- johnzhou2011
- KelvinsonSomewhere
- KipsoraUniversity of Toronto
- kumarkrishnaUC Berkeley
- LantaoYuStanford University
- matheusportelaJustworks
- miketry0313Pennsylvania State University
- namidairo777Bytedance
- nanxintinHuawei Noah's Ark Lab
- osipychev
- Pengcheng-WangNorth Carolina State University
- pkuso
- princeward
- ptigasUniversity of Oxford
- pxlong
- samvelyan@google-deepmind
- sergeiwallace@Accenture
- ShawnLueWechat AI, Tencent
- suqi@eastlakeside
- suryabhupa@google-deepmind
- Tbyo
- valthomMontreal
- wangyifan1004
- wwxFromTjuDRL/MAS
- xuehyChina
- YidingYuAlibaba
- yyhTHU
- zzsiAustin TX