Pinned issues
- 1
Sorting is causing parent-child relationships to be defined out of order
#231 opened by daltairwalter - 1
- 1
- 1
Failing to pass "-stubs" as root suffix
#226 opened by alfonsoSR - 5
Where to store the generated stubs?
#201 opened by phcerdan - 1
compatable for `ModuleStubsGenerator`
#224 opened by bowen-xu - 4
When parsing enums derived from `enum.Enum`, non-canonical values are ignored
#223 opened by bindreams - 0
Ignore attribute value
#222 opened by ozobotnovako - 1
Doc String for Overloaded Member Functions (Sphinx)
#221 opened by ax3l - 1
Using Eigen::VectorXd results in numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], Error: Can't find/import 'm'
#213 opened by GenieTim - 1
- 2
- 2
- 4
KeyError: 'pop from an empty set'
#202 opened by virtuald - 0
- 0
Make an interface for post-parser fixup
#205 opened by sizmailov - 0
Automatically replace invalid enum expressions with corresponding valid expression & import
#204 opened by sizmailov - 10
- 2
Missing wheels for newer releases
#193 opened by Teebor-Choka - 2
- 2
Using `KeysView`/`ValuesView`/`ItemsView` across sub modules can result in "can't find/import" error
#190 opened by bluenote10 - 2
- 0
- 6
- 6
Failing to fully resolve classes?
#182 opened by ringohoffman - 1
- 5
submodule imports don't resolve
#174 opened by TheTripleV - 4
Sphinx Guidance?
#141 opened by ax3l - 0
#177 opened by ax3l - 10
buffer type broken by #168
#173 opened by TheTripleV - 5
enum warning doesn't tell you where it's coming from
#170 opened by virtuald - 2
- 1
- 2
Non-determinstic output
#160 opened by forrestsmithfb - 1
Crash while parsing a submodule sharing parent's name
#159 opened by MironMA - 1
multiple --enum-class-locations
#157 opened by wojdyr - 5
Equivalent of GLOBAL_CLASSNAME_REPLACEMENTS (v0.16.0) in newer versions?
#151 opened by TimSchneider42 - 0
Doc: Provide customization examples
#156 opened by sizmailov - 1
- 4
- 2
`typing.Optional[T]` types converted to `T | None`
#146 opened by VelocityRa - 4
Support default argument values
#145 opened by VelocityRa - 1
How does version==2.1 support input of two modules
#144 opened by tututuski - 1
Upgrade pybind11-stubgen crash stubs generation
#120 opened by nyckmaia - 1
- 1
- 3
Versions 1.x no longer supporting characters such as Ω, ≡, etc. in docstrings [Windows]
#131 opened by allanleal - 1
Can't find/import 'flags.writable'
#127 opened by kingjin94 - 3
- 7
Replacement for --no-setup-py in version 1.x
#116 opened by HealsCodes