
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Timmywang1 opened this issue · 4 comments


When i running : --input /data/Timmy/Plasflow/filtered_ERR1051325.fa --output test.plasflow_predictions.tsv --threshold 0.7
Importing sequences
Imported [1] 1100468
Calculating kmer frequencies using kmer 5
Transforming kmer frequencies
Predicting labels using kmer 5 frequencies
Calculating kmer frequencies using kmer 6
Segmentation fault (core dumped)(error)

Is the running memory of my server too small?
Generally, how much memory is required to run this script?
Under my current server, is there any solution?

Hi, yes, you can try to split your input sequences into smaller chunks, run they separately, and then merge results. It will not alter predictions any way.

Thanks for your help, I have solved the above problem
Another question:
These values(e.g., 0.01429714) represents probabilities of assignment,right?We should take a maximum value as the most likely classification?

chromosome.Acidobacteria chromosome.Actinobacteria chromosome.Bacteroidetes chromosome.Chlamydiae chromosome.Chlorobi chromosome.Chloroflexi
0.01429714 0.03409684 0.04466312 0.001745073 0.002053222 0.00560279
0.000204194 0.009454542 1.60E-06 4.10E-05 0.000118686 0.000226975
0.005880766 0.000460877 8.56E-07 0.001262039 0.00030829 0.006116112

Yes, maximum value represents the most probable classification.

Hey @Timmywang1 ,

How did you solve your Segmentation fault (core dumped) problem?

Thanks in advance