Navigation Jumplinks to connect navmesh islands and allow AI pathfinding non-conventional ways to travel. Godot Game Engine.
- AjSleigh@Islesoft
- andersmmgUtah
- cg1743gmail
- chillenOttawa, Canada
- chipmu
- cmd410
- Corruptinator
- dsge@clappcom
- duchainerÉcole de Technologie Superieure
- follower
- fosseguttenSpill Data
- geowarinFreelancer
- icode中国河北省秦皇岛市
- Ivanfs8
- jamesso
- jclabelle
- jhultgre
- jocamarUbisoft
- JOELwindows7@Perkedel Technologies
- kodkuce
- milosponj
- mq1nTurkey
- myrenoir
- nezversRiga, Latvia
- pwabGermany
- rehhouari@pigeonivy
- risooonho
- sksmattEntermotion
- takhimi
- tehtehwhywhy
- theraotBarranquilla - Atlántico - Colombia
- thundreeBrazil
- txj-mssl
- Wapit1Montreal
- weilichuangChina ShangHai
- zachsback21