an implementation of softmax splatting for differentiable forward warping using PyTorch
- 1
Why use[tenEncone[intLevel], tenMetricone] as softsplat input tenIn
#63 opened by Candy-Crusher - 2
Inquiry Regarding Licensing for Academic Use
#62 opened by YukiKondo11 - 16
- 4
- 0
- 2
Replicate your gif warp results?
#59 opened by noobtoob4lyfe - 2
Generate random number in cuda kernel
#58 opened by JuewenPeng - 1
where bilinear equation come from
#57 opened by hitbuyi - 4
Repeatability of results
#56 opened by 863689877 - 8
CUDA memory access error on multiple GPUs
#46 opened by JasonSheng-atp - 1
Question about the paragraph containing Eq. 13
#55 opened by seb-le - 6
Model size
#16 opened by mrchizx - 1
Optical flow estimation between two images
#53 opened by compressionist - 24
- 1
Implementation details on stable softmax splatting
#54 opened by fmu2 - 2
Importance metric for deeper levels
#52 opened by JHLew - 3
RuntimeError: one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation
#50 opened by hityzy1122 - 1
compile_with_cache deprecated
#49 opened by JHLew - 3
Save resulting image?
#48 opened by noobtoob4lyfe - 2
- 10
about bilinear kernel
#44 opened by 863689877 - 2
Other implementation of the methods
#43 opened by 863689877 - 1
Maximum splatting
#42 opened by 863689877 - 5
- 1
About the size of the test image
#41 opened by YananSunn - 3
about the stability of forward warping
#40 opened by XiaoyuShi97 - 1
Which version of CUDA did you use ?
#39 opened by Spartan09 - 1
cupy error while training the model
#38 opened by XiaoyuShi97 - 5
Comparison with other work
#37 opened by rsjjdesj - 3
Having difficulty training the model
#36 opened by danier97 - 6
Some questions about the details
#14 opened by Hsveh - 5
#35 opened by HadiAmirpour - 1
- 3
Importance metric
#17 opened by hhhhhumengshun - 1
About some definitions in
#33 opened by Xiaorunyu - 7
about beta hyperparameter
#31 opened by PureMmm - 2
- 5
splatting for 3d voxels
#29 opened by kwea123 - 1
subtitle in the movie
#28 opened by leiwen83 - 1
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about the holes in forward warping
#26 opened by gangsterless - 1
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Vimeo90K Matlab Version SSIM
#24 opened by hzwer - 3
is “Instance Normalization” used in this paper?
#15 opened by Hsveh - 3
question on how to calculate the PSNR metric
#22 opened by zhuyeye - 4
Google Colab demo?
#21 opened by noobtoob4lyfe - 1
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Fig.1 in the paper
#18 opened by JihyongOh - 1
How to understand equation 3?
#19 opened by ProNoobLi - 8
Unable to finetune
#13 opened by ckkelvinchan