
ros package for non-gps navigation with PX4

Primary LanguagePython

px4_ros_slam package for non-gps navigation

Description :

This is a ROS package for non-gps navigation for px4 containing all the required files and listed dependencies. This also contains a file from thien94/vision_to_mavros to set origin.

This package contains all the modified files for the following packages:


Requirements :

Ubuntu version 18.04 or 20.04

ROS Melodic or Noetic

Usage 1 :

On the px4 latest stable, run:

source ~/px4/Tools/environment_install/install-ROS-ubuntu.sh

This will install the whole px4-ros environment and install all the requirements.

Usage 2 :

This package contains a main launch file launching all the required launch files in a go.


cd <ros_ws>/src/
git clone https://github.com/snktshrma/px4_ros
cd ..
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
cd px4_ros
catkin build

Run :

On 1st Terminal

roslaunch px4_ros gzbo.launch #for quadrotor


roslaunch px4_ros gzbo_rover.launch #for rover

On 2nd Terminal

../Tools/autotest/sim_vehicle.py -f gazebo-iris


sim_vehicle.py -v APMrover2 -f gazebo-rover -m --mav10 -I1

On 3rd Terminal

roslaunch px4_ros main.launch