
In 0.5 there is a Qt dependency

Closed this issue · 4 comments

In your init.py you include tutorials which requires Qt. That is not good when I want this to run on a robot because Qt pulls in a other dependencies that I don't want. I see in later version of the project this was removed. Since Melodic is based on 0.5 can we get this fixed?

Short of creating a separate package (which we did for later versions) I suspect the easiest workaround would be to do something like:

    import python_qt_binding
    from . import tutorials
except ImportError:

That does still leave the problem of rosdep pulling in the qt dependencies though. I assume this is a problem for you also?

I see Qt in the package.xml but it doesn't affect my project because I basically hand crafted the packages that are installed on the robot to keep it curated.

I think for my short term solution I am going to install the package and then apply a patch over the project to remove the import lines from the project. As long as py_tree_ros doesn't change then this should work for now.

Releasing the partial workaround (handles the import error, but doesn't handle the hard-wired rosdep) in v0.5.20.

Keeping this issue open for visibility.
