
Add support for ROS2 Humble

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Do you have any intentions on doing a release for ROS2 Galactic.

Thanks in advance!

Aye, I do plan to. Moved house and bought another recently, so development hit a bit of a speed bump.

I'll probably upgrade to py_trees 2.2 in the process. There's a couple of api changes needed.

Did you have try building from source? Any problems I should take note of?

@stonier Hey! sorry for the delay. We just moved from foxy to galactic and have not had the chance to build from source and test py tree.
We have some other things on the backlog before starting any testing with py tree. But I will let you know if we do so :D In the mean time I will keep track of your progress in case you upgrade before I build from source.

I compiled the following repos from source on Galactic:

py_trees  py_trees_js  py_trees_ros  py_trees_ros_interfaces  py_trees_ros_tutorials  py_trees_ros_viewer

To test it I ran the tutorial tutorial_two_battery_check_launch.py but got an API-related error:

... configuration_group_box.py", line 58, in set_charging_status
[mock-dashboard-2]     self.ui.battery_charging_check_box.setChecked(charging_status)
[mock-dashboard-2] TypeError: setChecked(self, bool): argument 1 has unexpected type 'float'

Other nodes continued executing. I am new to py_trees so I am still not sure if py_trees can be used in Galactic.

Hey @stonier, do you still plan to add ROS2 Galactic & Humble support?
I assume that a colcon build from source won't fully work since you mentioned that a few api changes are required.

Finally, underway. Tracking the effort for py_trees here: https://github.com/splintered-reality/py_trees/milestone/14. Will do similarly for py_trees_ros when done there.

A colcon build using the foxy release branches should still work on at least galactic - it's bloom that is having a problem. If there's a problem with colcon, let me know and I'll see if I can backport some fixes to make those release branches compatible across ros distros.

This is great! Thanks!

A colcon build using the foxy release branches should still work on at least galactic

This is exactly what I have been doing this week for Galactic. Haven't faced any issue so far but I wasn't sure if the whole framework can be used as is. Thanks for the clarification!

@stonier hey, is galactic & humble support coming? Thanks!

I compiled the following repos from source on Galactic:

py_trees  py_trees_js  py_trees_ros  py_trees_ros_interfaces  py_trees_ros_tutorials  py_trees_ros_viewer

To test it I ran the tutorial tutorial_two_battery_check_launch.py but got an API-related error:

... configuration_group_box.py", line 58, in set_charging_status
[mock-dashboard-2]     self.ui.battery_charging_check_box.setChecked(charging_status)
[mock-dashboard-2] TypeError: setChecked(self, bool): argument 1 has unexpected type 'float'

Other nodes continued executing. I am new to py_trees so I am still not sure if py_trees can be used in Galactic.

Fixed in splintered-reality/py_trees_ros_tutorials#47. There was a hidden bug present in the tutorial only.

Humble / Rolling task list → #195.