
Does it contain c++ examples?

Closed this issue · 4 comments


Thank you for providing such a great repository!

I noticed that all the examples and tests are based on Python, does this project have any examples in C++ for us to learn from that I haven't noticed?

Yes, I think this one is the best starting point:

Thanks for solving my confusion.

I've never used the Boost library before, so I'm a bit confused. In the tsid-formulation.cpp you mentioned, it provides a class named StandardRomeoInvDynCtrl and provides 4 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE test examples. These 4 examples are 4 demonstrations that can be run separately in the main, am I understanding this correctly?

You can ignore anything boost related in that file. That's just because this file contains unit tests, but boost is not necessary for using tsid.

I understand! Thank you for your detailed answer.