- 1
- 8
Imputation of Structural Variants
#40 opened by jjfarrell - 7
- 2
- 5
Error: failed loading target haplotypes
#76 opened by TheRainInSpain - 1
should the reference vcf file be phased
#75 opened by TheRainInSpain - 1
Inconsistent ploidy and segmentation fault when creating 1000GP chrX.PAR[1-2].msav
#74 opened by youngchanpark - 3
- 2
Specific information on HDS
#72 opened by bgb-ipl - 2
Problem with Installing
#71 opened by dat4yc - 5
Error: failed writing output
#70 opened by andrei-barysenka - 8
Reference Panel download
#66 opened by Shrishtee-kandoi - 3
- 8
Error: I/O failed while merging
#68 opened by lingjoyo - 0
- 4
- 3
Combined haplotypes can't be loaded
#65 opened by rsteinfe1 - 3
ERROR: Cannot execute binary file
#63 opened by DavidGO464 - 3
Multithreading during M3VCF/MSAV Generation?
#62 opened by mragsac - 9
- 5
The imputed vcf has far more genotypes than the target phased vcf and missed rsID.
#60 opened by huww1998 - 9
install failed
#41 opened by xiaomiyang36 - 17
Error writing output
#55 opened by aokulabasile - 34
Segmentation fault, and docs
#57 opened by rlad - 1
lack of compliance with VCF v4.3 specification
#58 opened by freeseek - 1
Auto deletion of temp files?
#56 opened by eldronzhou - 8
- 8
- 17
- 2
Option to Subset Samples in Reference Panel
#28 opened by jonathonl - 14
New minimac4 release v4.1.0 produces vcf.gz which can't be read by DosageConvertor
#53 opened by sereeena - 5
Imputing variants at multi-allelic sites
#52 opened by thheng - 4
How does Minimac4 handle large chunks of missing genotype when creating reference panel
#32 opened by JoannaTan - 3
- 4
Imputation aborted
#46 opened by albaicans - 2
Invalid VCF for two chromosomes, running Minimac through The Michigan Imputation Server
#49 opened by julien-laval - 0
bash script to show an example of eagle2 + minimac4 for phasing and imputation?
#48 opened by Shicheng-Guo - 6
Imputing population heterogeneous datasets
#44 opened by albaicans - 1
- 1
Imputation of 23andMe data
#45 opened by Panacotaforcota - 2
- 1
What is minRatio option?
#39 opened by chulghim - 0
- 0
How does GT output in imputed vcf correspond to DS, HDS and GP? chromosome X imputation Michigan server
#37 opened by tesselgalesloot - 6
CMake Error occurred at installing minimac4
#36 opened by awakumaya - 0
Retraining on new data?
#35 opened by daquang - 3
R2 and ER2 in Minimac4 output
#30 opened by ValRi78 - 4
- 0
- 3
Allowing chomosome number above 22
#27 opened by ChrisINRA