
add content to node not working?

cburbridge opened this issue · 1 comments

I call the /topological_map_manager/add_content_to_node service with a waypoint name and a json dump of a dictionary {'hello':'world'}. The service replies:

success: True
content: {u'node': u'WayPoint14', u'map': u'g4s_sim', u'inserted_at': datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 13, 18, 58, 11, 715000, tzinfo=<bson.tz_util.FixedOffset object at 0x7f54a4b39210>), 'contains': [], u'pointset': u'g4s_sim', u'stored_type': u'strands_navigation_msgs/TopologicalNode', u'stored_class': u'strands_navigation_msgs.msg._TopologicalNode.TopologicalNode', u'inserted_by': u'/strands_navigation_migration', u'_id': ObjectId('552c11c3a853c306aba9d787')}

but i dont see where the data is stored? it looks like it adds "contains=[]" to the meta data, but that is it.

How do I retrieve stored extra content?

that service is there for bellbot things, however you can add whatever you want it will be stored in the meta information of the node, the only requirement is that your JSON string has a 'category' and a 'name', the query service is in my list though