This repository contains the code used to generate figures and perform analysis for the manuscript titled "Transcriptomic and Spatial Proteomic Profiling Reveals the Cellular Composition and Spatial Organization of the Human Bone Marrow Microenvironment"
Jupyter Notebook
- 545487677DP Technology
- amazingshi
- bio-lilin
- czy1238677
- dorishbg
- HornedRatChosen
- inorilnDepartment of Neurosurgery, Xiangya Hospitial, Central South University
- jiangcongxin
- jiangjasson
- jlchen5Leiden University
- lipingshu
- maxwellydyWenzhou medical university
- Pamscofield
- qclian
- qiaoliang-ql
- qingjian1991Sun-Yat Sen Univeristy Cancer Center
- qinsShanghai, China
- samesun
- ShawVita
- shengxinbaixiaosheng
- ShuilinLiaoCCNU, UCAS, MUST
- summus-kong
- suongwongKunming university of Science and Technology
- wangjiaming1503
- wantoup
- wzhlin
- XUEbaogai0101
- Yippee3Huazhong University of science and technology
- yunurzzz
- yuwang89
- zhang0818k
- zhaojialin924
- zhenweiqian
- Zjianglin
- zy-optimistic
- zyllifeworldIGDB