WebHooks plugin for Teamcity. Supports many build states and payload formats.
- 18
Get statistics with Inespections
#235 opened by Super8film87 - 58
Webhooks configured via Kotlin sees 701 :: WebHook not enabled for buildState 'buildFinished'
#248 opened by radiumsurfer - 20
Configured webhooks break when kotlin code syncs
#246 opened by jacobs-xero - 0
Investigate support for Smokescreen (mTLS proxy)
#250 opened by netwolfuk - 0
Add support for standard webhooks
#249 opened by netwolfuk - 6
Escaping ${}
#247 opened by EGBland - 3
JSON Velocity template produces invalid JSON?
#245 opened by andreycha - 3
Password field is in plan text
#227 opened by alwaysharsha - 20
WEbHook removed after server updated
#194 opened by anatoly-kryzhanovsky - 9
- 2
- 21
- 27
Webhooks not showing when project is copied
#238 opened by matt-richardson - 1
#243 opened by matt-richardson - 9
- 0
Look into sending webhooks to Twist
#244 opened by netwolfuk - 2
#241 opened by pmannozg - 2
Support 2024.03 and also previous TeamCity versions
#239 opened by netwolfuk - 4
- 4
- 4
- 3
Outdated release on jetbrains marketplace
#234 opened by alexstaeding - 16
- 4
Cloud Profiles "Events"
#230 opened by Super8film87 - 1
- 7
REST API returns 500 when editing webhook
#228 opened by KaosSpectrum - 10
Cannot format date
#225 opened by bsinou - 3
Legacy Webhook Build Failed Template wrong
#224 opened by markusstephanides - 12
- 5
build.FinishDate is empty even build is finished
#222 opened by Super8film87 - 4
Webhook that only allows Mute/Unmute events should not allow other events to be selected
#221 opened by matt-richardson - 16
Muted test webhook doesn't include test name
#219 opened by matt-richardson - 5
Calculate Queue and single Build Step Duration
#215 opened by Super8film87 - 7
Calculate Time To Restore
#217 opened by Super8film87 - 1
#substringBefore(${buildLog} and alternatives
#218 opened by fagionpw - 6
Investigate Mute or Fix Test callback
#210 opened by amadeuszpolak - 12
Version 1.2.0 Release Candidate Buglets
#206 opened by netwolfuk - 6
Managing Webhooks from Top to Bottom
#209 opened by Super8film87 - 5
- 9
999 :: Unexpected exception. Please log a bug on GitHub tcplugins/tcWebHooks. Exception was: null
#204 opened by matt-richardson - 7
Change sender in slack
#190 opened by VasilevMaxim - 3
Add template for a gitea commit status event
#191 opened by jan0sch - 4
Branch filter
#192 opened by nrukavkov - 10
Dependent projects Parameters
#197 opened by Peterosh - 3
Plugin completely broken in newest TeamCity
#200 opened by fury22pl - 4
- 5
Support for more flexibility in Authorization headers
#189 opened by Snipx - 24
- 9
Failed to Initialize Spring Context
#186 opened by michaelpbean - 0
Send webhook from build step
#178 opened by netwolfuk