- abhi3700Block.Hub @blockhubindia
- Ahmed-alkharusiThe University of Manchester
- ali-robot
- AzurethiScotland
- bjodah
- brightprogrammerAnvie Labs
- ChristopherRabotinUSA
- cpizzolatoGriffith University
- dfridoviThe University of Texas at Austin
- donatieng@Blecon
- ebw44
- fbrunduColumbia University
- fradavIMAG/CNRS
- gaetgu@SantaFeBaptistChurch
- gergol
- giammi56Frankfurt am Main
- gocarlos@siemens
- JamieShelleyCambridge, Cambridgeshire
- jaycodeTrio Digital Agency
- jendralhxrBadan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
- jerryderry
- JohnBear
- jvleta
- kdmarrettUCLA Computer Science
- kongnyuyYaounde, Cameroon
- mathcampbellGraphics Forge
- mayan-lab
- mloskot@Cadcorp
- rolambertKyndryl | ISM
- rscintoCA
- SelvamArulUniversität Bonn
- shyney7HSD FMDAuto Institute
- SpyrosMourelatos
- V0XNIHILIWebcellence
- vpiotr
- wschmied