
Puppet module for Glowing Bear

Primary LanguageRubyGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Puppet module for Glowing Bear.

Build Status

This is the repository containing a puppet module for deploying the Glowing Bear application, an Angular based front end for the TranSMART application. TranSMART is an open source data sharing and analytics platform for translational biomedical research, which is maintained by the tranSMART Foundation.

The module creates the system user glowingbear, downloads and installs the Glowing Bear application, and configures Apache to serve the application on the configured address. The repository used to fetch the required Glowing Bear packages from is configurable and defaults to repo.thehyve.nl.

Dependencies and installation

Install Puppet

# Install Puppet
apt install puppet

# Check Puppet version, Puppet 4.8 and Puppet 5 should be fine.
puppet --version

Puppet modules

The module depends on the stdlib, archive and apache modules.

The most convenient way is to run puppet module install as root:

sudo puppet module install puppetlabs-stdlib
sudo puppet module install puppet-archive
sudo puppet module install puppetlabs-apache

Check the installed modules:

sudo puppet module list --tree

Install the glowing_bear module

Copy the glowing_bear module repository to the /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules directory:

cd /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules
git clone https://github.com/thehyve/puppet-glowing_bear.git glowing_bear


The node manifest

For each node where you want to install Glowing Bear, the module needs to be included with include ::glowing_bear::complete.

Here is an example manifest file manifests/test.example.com.pp:

node 'test.example.com' {
    include ::glowing_bear::complete

The node manifest can also be in another file, e.g., site.pp.

Configuring a node using Hiera

It is preferred to configure the module parameters using Hiera.

To activate the use of Hiera, configure /etc/puppetlabs/code/hiera.yaml. Example:

  - yaml
  :datadir: '/etc/puppetlabs/code/hieradata'
  - '%{::clientcert}'
  - 'default'

Defaults can then be configured in /etc/puppetlabs/code/hieradata/default.yaml, e.g.:

glowing_bear::version: 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

Machine specific configuration should be in /etc/puppetlabs/code/hieradata/${hostname}.yaml, e.g., /etc/puppetlabs/code/hieradata/test.example.com.yaml:

glowing_bear::hostname: gb-vm.example.com
glowing_bear::transmart_url: https://transmart.example.com

Configuring a node in the manifest file

Alternatively, the node specific configuration can also be done with class parameters in the node manifest. Here is an example:

node 'test.example.com' {
    # Site specific configuration for Transmart
    class { '::glowing_bear::params':
        hostname      => 'gb-vm.example.com',
        transmart_url => 'https://transmart.example.com',

    include ::glowing_bear::complete

Configuring the use of a proxy

node 'test.example.com' {

    # Configure a proxy for fetching artefacts
    Archive::Nexus {
        proxy_server => 'http://proxyurl:80',
    # Configure a proxy for fetching packages with yum
    Yumrepo {
        proxy => 'http://proxyurl:80',

Masterless installation

It is also possible to use the module without a Puppet master by applying a manifest directly using puppet apply.

There is an example manifest in examples/complete.pp.

cd /etc/puppetlabes/code/modules/glowing_bear
sudo puppet apply examples/complete.pp



There are some automated tests, run using rake.

ruby >= 2.3 is required. rvm can be used to install a specific version of ruby. Use rvm install 2.4 to use ruby version 2.4.

The tests are automatically run on our Bamboo server: PUPPET-GB.

Rake tests

Install rake using the system-wide ruby:

yum install ruby-devel
gem install bundler
export PUPPET_VERSION=4.10.12

or using rvm:

rvm install 2.4
gem install bundler
export PUPPET_VERSION=4.10.12

Run the test suite:

rake test


Overview of the classes defined in this module.

Class name Description
::glowing_bear Creates the system user.
::glowing_bear::assets Downloads the requires assets.
::glowing_bear::config Generates the application configuration.
::glowing_bear::vhost Configures an Apache virtual host.
::glowing_bear::complete Installs all of the above.

Module parameters

Overview of the parameters that can be used in Hiera to configure the module. Alternatively, the parameters of the ::glowing_bear::params class can be used to configure these settings.

Hiera key Default value Description
glowing_bear::version 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT The version of Glowing Bear to install.
glowing_bear::nexus_url https://repo.thehyve.nl The Nexus/Maven repository server.
glowing_bear::repository snapshots The repository to use. [snapshots, releases]
glowing_bear::user glowingbear System user that owns the application assets.
glowing_bear::user_home /home/${user} The user home directory
glowing_bear::hostname The hostname of the virtual host that hosts the application (e.g., the name of the virtual machine where it is deployed).
glowing_bear::port 80 The port Apache should listen to.
glowing_bear::transmart_url The address of the TranSMART back end application.
glowing_bear::gb_backend_url The address of the Glowing Bear back end application.
glowing_bear::env dev The Glowing Bear environment to use. [default, dev, transmart]
glowing_bear::show_observation_counts false Show both subject counts and observation counts.
glowing_bear::include_data_table true Show a data table below data selection.
glowing_bear::include_cohort_subscription false Enable cohort subscription.
glowing_bear::tree_node_counts_update Glowing Bear default Flag is tree node counts should be automatically updated.
glowing_bear::autosave_subject_sets Glowing Bear default Flag if subject selection should be automatically persisted.
glowing_bear::oidc_server_url Identity provider URL for authentication.
glowing_bear::oidc_client_id glowingbear-js Client ID for OpenID Connect.
glowing_bear::export_name transmart Exporter job name. transmart for using built in exporter. packer for external one.
glowing_bear::export_data_view dataTable Name to specify a data view. It has to be known to the exporter.
glowing_bear::export_url URL of external exporter. Required only when external export activated (glowing_bear::export_name set to packer)
glowing_bear::enable_fractalis_analysis true Whether enable fractalis widget in transmart.
glowing_bear::fractalis_url URL of where fractalis could be found.
glowing_bear::fractalis_datasource_url ${glowing_bear::transmart_url} URL of transmart backend where fractalis gets data from.
glowing_bear::check_server_status false Enable checking server status before requesting data.
glowing_bear::deny_access_without_role false Deny access to users without any roles assigned to them. The corresponding configuration needs to be set for the backends.

Note that the modules only serves the application over plain HTTP, by configuring a simple Apache virtual host. For enabling HTTPS, a separate Apache instance needs to be setup as a proxy. Typically, the application should be installed in a small virtual machine where this module is applied, with an SSL proxy installed on the host machine.


Copyright © 2017–2019   The Hyve.

The puppet module for Glowing Bear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.