To learn about optics and microscopy, we generated a simple to build lego microscope that does not need precision optics and 3D printed parts.
- akutschiBoston, USA
- alex-attingerStanford University
- azazellochgMRC LMB
- caterinap
- Chengcheng-XiaoImperial College London
- emilmontAmazon
- Fabian-RY
- fly51flyPRIS
- fxatNavVis
- GuillawmeUppsala University
- gygerPalo Alto
- haesleinhuepfData Science Center ScaDS.AI, Uni Leipzig
- hkf
- HubLotCNRS
- hylong
- jz314
- kfuku52National Institute of Genetics
- LarsJKTromsø
- larsonmattr
- liz-is
- mdgiiiMDGIII
- mkitti@JaneliaSciComp
- mschubertInnsbruck, AT
- olafrose
- phoessEMBL
- pmergenthalerCharité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
- rkmaddox
- SchwabNicolasceff Industrie
- slowkowMass General Brigham
- smicStephan Michels Softwareentwicklung und Beratung
- themeo
- tommasoturchi@Unipisa
- VolkerH
- WeisongZhaoHarbin Institute of Technology
- xrsrke@huggingface
- zhou-ranSichuan university