- 2
The result of 24epoch single_frame is unstable
#11 opened by ZitengXue - 0
question about sparse cross attention module
#14 opened by ShengYu724 - 0
Questions about code and experiment details
#13 opened by fang196 - 0
The val mAP is incorrect
#12 opened by WeiSQ-zju - 0
The code implementation of roi's camera intrinsic matrix might be inconsistent with the paper
#10 opened by tiandunx - 3
error in box correlation process.
#9 opened by Mollylulu - 1
some question about the code
#7 opened by AndyYuan96 - 3
- 4
Can you detailed the packages' version?
#3 opened by jimchenhub - 0
- 1
the function of gt_bboxes_2d_to_3d
#4 opened by Yzichen - 1
- 5
KeyError: "CustomNuScenesDataset: 'LoadMultiViewImageFromMultiSweepsFiles is not in the pipeline registry'"
#2 opened by rockywind - 1