We present the first open-source VR NERF Unity package that brings high resolution, low-latency, 6-DOF NERF rendering to VR. This work is based on Nvidia's ground breaking instant-ngp technique.
- AIBluefisherRobotics & Computer Vision
- Banguiskode
- ClanceyLocofy.ai
- corycorvusSan Francisco
- daghty
- davisgciiMountain View, CA
- ddiakopoulosApple
- doramasmaCanary Islands, Spain
- ElonKoushanghai
- flaviuvescan
- gisbi-kimDGIST
- juliendorraParis, France
- junhua-lShenzhen
- kevin2000A
- koktavy@Aircards
- KyleGrier
- lanxinger@Plinth-it
- m0o0scarSea
- marvo737Tokyo Japan
- mechanicalreproductions
- MIMNSI@SupersetLabs
- mplec
- nosy-bParis, France
- olestole
- patriciogonzalezvivo@patricio@merveilles.town
- redareadyAix en provence, France <-> Tokyo, Japan
- Richard-coder
- ryosuke-wakamoto
- sharmer156
- TheTimmyUniversity of Hamburg
- vincenthesiyuanGuangzhou, China
- VolorfLIV
- wsz912BIT
- XYZ-qiyhHUST
- yumataesuFreelance
- zhuhu00XJTU&SUSTech