- 6
OSError: cannot load library 'pango-1.0-0'
#14 opened by JulieYue2021 - 1
- 2
- 10
- 2
- 6
Could you help me to install pyrpipe?
#16 opened by daschukds - 4
PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels: - sra-tools=2.10.9
#15 opened by aguycalledankit - 3
"ResolvePackageNotFound:" Trouble installing pyrpipe from environment.yaml into a virtual environment using conda
#13 opened by aaronatp - 2
ERROR - STAR command not found
#12 opened by Sanat-Mishra - 1
log failed commands
#7 opened by urmi-21 - 0
Display command start and end times
#6 opened by urmi-21 - 1
Color error messages generated from pyrpipe
#5 opened by urmi-21 - 1
can "examples" be changed to "case studies" or called "examples (case studies)"
#4 opened by evewurtele - 1
- 3
Freeze after fasterq-dump
#1 opened by lijing28101