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GitHub Action on PRs for workflow linting
#58 opened by simonbray - 25
Strategy to update workflows needed
#3 opened by bgruening - 5
Could you add a license?
#54 opened by simleo - 4
Running tests against
#51 opened by cat-bro - 2
Running tests against
#50 opened by ieguinoa - 2
Tests are currently not passing
#45 opened by frederikcoppens - 2
Unable to run workflow tests
#30 opened by mtekman - 1
Convrt to format gxformat2?
#27 opened by hexylena - 4
add deeptools workflows?
#4 opened by hexylena - 0
add HiC workflows
#2 opened by bgruening - 0
add metagenomic workflows
#1 opened by bgruening