Pinned issues
- 4
- 6
Date dictionaries are initially empty
#1824 opened by dsoprea - 4
Object inconsistency
#1843 opened by ubuntujule - 0
Add a new entry for `may_8` victory day
#2061 opened by arkid15r - 0
Missing "Tag der Befreiung" 2025-05-08: One-Time Holiday in Berlin, Germany (DE-BE)
#2051 opened by hf-kklein - 2
- 4
Workalendar features into holidays package
#1930 opened by ncooder - 2
Easter Monday and Last August Bank Holiday are missing for the United Kingdom (UK)
#1982 opened by jamiemb - 1
- 3
Refactor Aruba/Curaçao as NL subdivision
#1852 opened by arkid15r - 6
Dominican Republic - Data in Package not consistent with public holiday dates
#1915 opened by npapadinu - 2
Wrong US holidays for 2009
#1963 opened by d-a-bunin - 6
Working days
#1927 opened by ncooder - 0
"All Souls' Day" & "Christmas Eve" not showing up for Philippine holidays
#1929 opened by AnomalousUnderdog - 2
Greece - six-day working week
#1928 opened by ncooder - 1
Weekend days in different countries
#1917 opened by ncooder - 2
np.isin does not have the same effect as "in".
#1920 opened by Dortaj - 2
Implement Taiwan's unofficial holidays
#1912 opened by Curtis081 - 3
2024-08-26 should be a holiday in GB
#1909 opened by mrgum - 1
Documentation for holidays.US(years=array_of_years) ?
#1846 opened by VikR0001 - 1
Wrong holiday date for Venice
#1836 opened by remixtj - 3
How to check for holidays within an interval of time
#1825 opened by dsoprea - 3
Kings Birthday Australia Issue
#1820 opened by TrialMaster - 0
Missing Holiday Brazil (20/11)
#1829 opened by eduardoghi - 3
Lacking some holidays on Brazillian calendar
#1813 opened by th3worst4 - 1
- 2
- 5
May 17th, 2024 is a holiday in Georgia
#1795 opened by arkid15r - 2
Holidays for UK not returning all holidays
#1803 opened by satheashwin - 2
- 1
South Korea holiday question
#1789 opened by jamjam0109 - 4
The calculation of the lunar start date throws a TypeError exception for Thailand and Cambodia
#1779 opened by coderX-thinkerL - 2
Carnaval missing in Brazil after 0.25
#1780 opened by ds-mauri - 0
CI/CD fails for some Python versions on macOS
#1777 opened by arkid15r - 2
- 0
- 0
Update AU holidays: fix WA King's birthday date
#1756 opened by arkid15r - 1
Add Easter Sunday to AU-SA public holiday list
#1725 opened by bbayu123 - 6
[development] `make l10n` command is broken
#1727 opened by PPsyrius - 2
- 0
[SonarCloud] Suppress warning `Python:S5852` or replace the affected RegEx strings with non-* equivalent
#1691 opened by PPsyrius - 2
Document holiday categories
#1717 opened by arkid15r - 0
Add multi-level subdivision support
#1713 opened by arkid15r - 0
Consider making holiday object a first-class citizen
#1712 opened by arkid15r - 2
- 2
- 0
Consider migrating documantation to mkdocs
#1696 opened by arkid15r - 0
Update branch names
#1695 opened by arkid15r - 5
Fix Carnival date of the "Portugal" calendar
#1692 opened by DgRosa - 0
v1: refactor entity classes, extract attributes
#1681 opened by arkid15r