Git repository for the R package "LOBSTAHS" (Lipid and Oxylipin Biomarker Screening Through Adduct Hierarchy Sequences)
- 1
- 9
excludeoddFAlength, IP_MAG class
#22 opened by j-e-hunter - 4
- 0
Problem with 'num.treatments' in XCMS3 generated
#34 opened by hholm - 1
Fix multiple issues with recent commits
#32 opened by jamesrco - 2
- 5
- 1
"Auto-detect" LOBdbase object in doLOBscreen() call when it is embedded within a list
#28 opened by jamesrco - 0
Error in doLOBscreen
#2 opened by ricoderks - 1
Error screening based on retention time
#3 opened by ricoderks - 3
Error object 'num_compounds.this_species' not found when generating custom database
#6 opened by jamesrco - 1
- 2
Error when calling generateLOBdbase(): "Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...): only defined on a data frame with all numeric variables"
#26 opened by jamesrco - 1
- 0
Create some basic unit tests
#25 opened by jamesrco - 5
new lipid class in db
#1 opened by ricoderks - 18
Creating a custom database
#17 opened by MarcNIOZ - 0
- 0
- 2
Add new argument to doLOBscreen function which will allow users to retain rejected/unidentified features
#12 opened by joefutrelle - 4
Accidental install from old bioclite repo.
#21 opened by j-e-hunter - 0
- 0
more readable case-insensitive regexes
#16 opened by joefutrelle - 1
ms2 screening
#10 opened by joefutrelle - 0
Implement ability to run LOBSTAHS on ms data objects other than a CAMERA xsannotate object (with embedded xcmsSet)
#13 opened by joefutrelle - 0
- 0
Implement new argument to allow user to specify how large the retention time window tolerance should be
#14 opened by joefutrelle - 0
Automated merging of LOBSTAHS ID’s in + and - ionization mode for added level of confidence
#11 opened by joefutrelle - 0