Code release for ICCV 2019 Oral, "Linearized Multi-Sampling for Differentiable Image Transformation"
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- ahyunSeo
- angshine
- Bumki-KimKAIST, Visual Media Lab.
- captainfffsamaChiebot
- catree
- Cby19961020University of Waterloo
- charliememoryKU Leuven
- chenchiWHU
- dontLoveBugsBeijing, China
- dororojamesMTK
- FishHe
- fly51flyPRIS
- gorosgobeLondon
- GuHongyang
- haofeixuETH Zurich
- harvestlambShangHai University
- hmhemu
- iwyooLG AI Research
- JesseZhang92
- jiangwei221@ubc-vision, @vcg-uvic
- joe1chiefXuhui, Shanghai
- lidongyvNIO Autonomous Algorithm
- lizhan17Portland
- martinengelcke
- matkowski-voyNanyang Technological University (NTU)
- rainfalj
- suyanzhou626UESTC
- tobyclhSushi Land
- torayeffLondon, UK
- unclearnessTokyo
- walsvidByteDance
- wandering007Fudan University
- wsunidUniversity of British Columbia
- wuyujackNorthwestern University
- xy-guoCUHK MMLAB
- zoltankatoResearch Group on Visual Computation, University of Szeged